Forgot I was subbed to this thread Med, keep up the good work. Were all anticipating some picture updates as you know. One quick question, are you at all interested in doing your own outdoor this summer. Not sure if you mentioned it someplace else. C ya around. RDG
sorry I let my thread die, my next round I will document much better, but in my defense last month I got the blue screen of death
lost most of my recent grow pictures that were on my computer, and all recent write ups for my mag(about 50 pages), pretty annoyed

Ill try and rally this thread back to life. But on my next round i will be including any good info I learned this round in that thread.
I flipped the plants about 3 weeks ago, here are a couple shots about a week before the flip and transfer over to the UC. Ended up doing a stagered harvest..
I got some pics of the flower room on my girls computer ill get them up pretty soon, for those of you wondering about my root zone test.
Here is what I have found, sorry I don't got the pics to back it up, but hope nobody minds if I share my findings.
I tried expermenting with various benefical bacterias products vs sterile res products.
this is what I have found, when plants are very small with small root masses this is the time that products like Roots excelurator, sea green, etc.. work the best.
once a plant is more on the medium size, the root growth is about the same regardless if your using sterilzing products(zone, h202, sm90, etc..)
From here on out I will be inoculating my aero cloner with Roots excel once roots develop as this is the time I found these type of products to be mosts useful, then I transplant into hydroclay and run a sterile res.
If you are interested in my tests on benies vs sterile I have
some of the results that were not posted up here on another site, which might be interesting.
here is a lil something to make up for my lack of updates.