Medicaid in TX


Well-Known Member
Not quite sure what section to post this to get help buuuuut;

Wondering if anyone has any experience w Medicaid in TX. My gf was in an accident about 2 years ago and the dr her lawyer has been sending her to is a joke.

I finally pushed her to get on Medicaid so she is signed up for that now. Maybe we can start getting her better now... But...

We are wondering if she needs to stop smoking, if they will drug test at the dr office? She has a lot of pain, and we have 30-45 days until insurance is active so she will be dealing w the pain during that time if she can't smoke.

Just curious if anyone else had any experience?


Well-Known Member
Yes they will drug test more than likely. I used to live in TX and my ex was drug tested in accordance to her pain contract. She won't get tested just for going to a doctor and getting non narcotic treatment. But if she expects to receive pain killers she will more than likely have to sign a pain contract and be drug tested before she gets her first script.
