Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel


Well-Known Member
Beautiful buds man, Just awesome.
I dont know how I missed this grow. Great job.

Oh, and BTW did you find those fans at Walmart? I need a couple for my indoor.


Well-Known Member
Sick PK pic man. Really like it. Bet your hands are sore lol, time for more rite? I'm gonna get a spinpro soon, I swear.


Well-Known Member
Nice. That orange diesel looks like your gpw table.
Yea, the OCD definatley is a nice yielder. It was a big hit at the dispensary last round too, so I will keep it around for a minute for sure. Easy to trim, but I am learning this grow that anything under the top canopy is a waste. I have about a qp so far of pocorn for hash from the 7 plants I trimmed tonight. Only two more to trim tomorrow. They look good, I didn't think to snap any trim pics of the ocd this time.

Beautiful buds man, Just awesome.
I dont know how I missed this grow. Great job.

Oh, and BTW did you find those fans at Walmart? I need a couple for my indoor.
Thank you cruzer. I got the fans at my local hydro shop, but will be replacing them this week. They are garbage and stop working periodically. I have only had them 6 months or less too. I believe it is integra though that picked up some nice wall mount fans at walmart.

Sick PK pic man. Really like it. Bet your hands are sore lol, time for more rite? I'm gonna get a spinpro soon, I swear.
Man, my hands don't get sore, but my upper back and shoulder blade it where I feel it after trimming for days.
Raider man your a fking BEAST! congrats on another beautiful grow. :-)
Thank you Bro!
very nice grow dude.
Thanks vertise

So as mentioned above I started on the OCD today. My wife and I knocked out 7 of the 9 and will finish up tomorrow. The buds are huge as usual. Each plant had 4-5 large colas and I would venture to say I may hit the coveted gpw mark in the ocd tray. All the ocd cuttings have good roots, so next I need to get the flower room cleaned out, steralized, yada yada yada this weekend to get the next round started. I am so exhausted, but at the same time stoked with all the great bud. I will post a final weight when it goes into jars in 5-7 days. Thanks again for the compliments.


Well-Known Member
Having all that popcorn is beast for hash. Take your time doing it and you'll be amazed at how much you can get from a couple of garbage bags of popcorn. I still havent finished doing all my trim from this last harvest, but on the run before that, I got over 3oz of Blue Kush hash that Im still using to make baked good and smoke on occasion. I am actually thinking about using the last of it to make tinculture. Congradulations on the harvest and I look forward to the weight and seeing all those beauties jared up.


Well-Known Member
Having all that popcorn is beast for hash. Take your time doing it and you'll be amazed at how much you can get from a couple of garbage bags of popcorn. I still havent finished doing all my trim from this last harvest, but on the run before that, I got over 3oz of Blue Kush hash that Im still using to make baked good and smoke on occasion. I am actually thinking about using the last of it to make tinculture. Congradulations on the harvest and I look forward to the weight and seeing all those beauties jared up.
I am getting alot of popcorn for hash man. I have about 3/4 pound of popcorn and shit load of the sugar leaf trim. As soon as I have a day to do it, I will be hitting the bubble bags hard.

I just moved the PK to Jars and ended up with 836 grams, plus a 115 of pocorn. I will be moving the OCD to jars and getting a weight tomorrow or the next day, but am hoping I hit the gram per watt mark with the ocd. That is defintaley the best per watt weight I have seen from the pk and this was my 5th run with it. I think being able to keep the reserviors at 68 deg made a huge difference om yield. That is the only real change I made this run.


Well-Known Member
I got the clones transfered to the flower room tonight. Damn, a lot of work between runs. Spent several hours just cleaning trays, reserviors, pumps, chillers, etc. Then another 4 transfering the clones. I had to get it done today so I could watch football tomorrow ;)

I weighed up the OCD and to my surprise I only had 830 grams. I really thought the OCD would weigh more than the PK, but the pk buds are so dense that they came damn near the exact same. So I am still on the hunt for the coveted gpw. I did replace my Hortilux Super HPS with the $219 Hortilux Super Blue's. They better make a difference for the damn money they cost. I also replace my 3 wall fans. The new one's move in a 'W' pattern, they are pretty sick.
I will post some finished bud porn with smoke reports soon.


Well-Known Member
Me too. I wanna see how those super blues work for ya too.
Before those were available I used a ceramic metal halide indoors. I'm a firm believer in the power of the blue.


Well-Known Member
Nicccceeee ass pull man. for real. Those pots look reallll familiar lol did you decide to go with strait hydroton or did you mix it?


Well-Known Member
Nicccceeee ass pull man. for real. Those pots look reallll familiar lol did you decide to go with strait hydroton or did you mix it?
Thanks man. I decided to go with the straight hygromite( lava rock) since I already had it. I ran out though, so I used hydroton for 6 of them. Unless there are some major benefits to the hygromite, I will be using the hydroton going forward. It is much cleaner and easier to work with.
Gorgeous bro!!! daamn I envy your lungs right now :p
lol Yea the pk is rediculous and the high lasts for hours. I am in purple kush land right now ;)


Active Member
Fuck yeah raider Ive been thinking about hydroton for my flood tray. What about when they get huge though dont you feel the roots need somewhere to go outside of the smatpots. more hydroton filling the tray maybe? Once again great harvest man! So that was over 3.5 lbs under two 1000s in two 3x3 trays or 4x4. Im too medicated to look back and find it. either way fuck the gram per watt dude thats a hella bad asssss pull!


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah raider Ive been thinking about hydroton for my flood tray. What about when they get huge though dont you feel the roots need somewhere to go outside of the smatpots. more hydroton filling the tray maybe? Once again great harvest man! So that was over 3.5 lbs under two 1000s in two 3x3 trays or 4x4. Im too medicated to look back and find it. either way fuck the gram per watt dude thats a hella bad asssss pull!
Well I have two theories on that. I think since I am flooding the table every 2 hours that they should probably get enough nutes. Also, since there are 16 per tray, I don't want them growing too much. My understanding of the dynamics of hydro is that you don't need large pots or medium, because they have constant or frequent access to nutrients. I just pulled my largest yield per plant in the smallest container I have ever used for my pk. I started in 7 gal smart pots. I figure I would try a run with the 1 gal pots and use it as a guage.
As for that damn gpw what goal, I will hit it eventually.