Medical cannabis


Active Member
Hi everyone this is my first time attempting to grow and the information i have got from here has been very valuable so thanx every1:hump: .
I am going to attempt to grow some plants but i would like to grow some for medical reasons (honest!!!!! lol:roll: ). I have neuroogical and muscular-skeletal conditions (as well as many many other problems) and have been smoking for years with great benefits but for obvious reasons i now want to grow so can anybody recommend any medical strains of cannabis, or if there is any that can especially help these sort of conditions
Thanx in advance


Well-Known Member
If you go to GrowFAQ there is an entire section on medical marijuana. That is a good place to start. It's located in the upper left hand corner of this page.


Active Member
i had already read the faq section and i already understood about the indica/sativa breeds but i wanted to know about specific strains, i have already tried to do some research online but the strains that have been medically recommended start from around £50 (around $90) for 10 and as this is my first grow i didnt want to buy something that expensive and then for me to go and fuck things up because it is my first grow, so i wanted to try something a little cheaper that other people who use it for similar reasons have found benificial then when i know that i can actually grow then i will be prepared to spend that sort of money.
sorry to keep asking


Well-Known Member
No problem. Do you live in a state where mm is legal? If so you can get seeds thru a compassion center. If not...hmmm...being your first grow why don't you just try bag seed. That way if it doesn't work you won't be out the money for the seeds. Sometimes bag seed produces some very good smoke.


Active Member
Unfortunately i live in England and we dont have mm here (as yet) and although there are currently medical trials running and my name was initially put forward to go on this trial other medical problems that have developed since meant that i was unable to go on it.
Also i never seem to get any bag seed, the guy who gets me my smoke at the mo knows why i smoke it and always gets me great stuff but in all the time i have been getting my weed from him i have only ever had 3 seeds, i did try to grow them but they were immature and the seeds didnt even get passed the germination stage. Normally people over here whinge cause they get seedy bags but here i am whinging cause i cant get any lol

whinge = moaning (sorry wasnt sure if all the non brits on this site knew what this was):mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i now want to grow so can anybody recommend any medical strains of cannabis, or if there is any that can especially help these sort of conditions
Hiya dharmagirl welcome to the site. It's predominantly Americans here, hence they automatically assume you're also American, but there's a few of us Brits kicking about :)

I think you've made the right decision to grow your own, once you figure out how relatively easy it is, you'll wonder why you never tried years ago.

Regarding strains, it's a hard question to answer because it depends soley on what kind of 'stone' you're looking for, I'd guess you're looking for a kind of 'heavy couchlock almost narcotic stone' in which case you'd be better off going down the mostly Indica route.

In my opinion you're better off simply looking through a few seedbanks and reading the descriptions so you get an idea of what kind of stone the various strains offer. Take a look at (it's in the UK) and look at the Nirvana strains - they're pretty reasonably priced and I'm sure you'll find one there to fit the kind of stone you're after at a decent price - Nirvana strains are 'knock off's' (not original breeder seeds) and are ideal to start growing with due to their low price.

Good luck in your search.


Well-Known Member
Hey dharmagirl, welcome to the sight, as babygro said, an Indica is probaly what your looking for, to achieve a heavy couchlock stone. I recently grew some mazar, which fits that bill exactly. You might want to take a look see.

Hi everyone this is my first time attempting to grow and the information i have got from here has been very valuable so thanx every1:hump: .
I am going to attempt to grow some plants but i would like to grow some for medical reasons (honest!!!!! lol:roll: ). I have neuroogical and muscular-skeletal conditions (as well as many many other problems) and have been smoking for years with great benefits but for obvious reasons i now want to grow so can anybody recommend any medical strains of cannabis, or if there is any that can especially help these sort of conditions
Thanx in advance


Well-Known Member
I was given 7 silver pearl but only one made it so I am growing her with much much love so I might eventually get some buds and hopefully seeds. I don't know what her smoke is like but she is looking squat and bushy which I read somewhere are the signs for Indica strains (thats my baby at 5 weeks in my avator). I started using it for health reasons which is why I've started my own home grow too.

Let us know what strain you end up with? Good luck with your grow :blsmoke:


Active Member
After much petitioning of the guy i get my smoke from he has managed to get some seeds for me, he got me a few haze, blackheads, and a morrocan X afghani mix seeds, a couple of hawii maui wowie and some of unknown origins, so iv put them all in pots and i have about 15 that have made it through to now. i'm hoping from the 15 i will get 4 or 5 that will make it to become mothers.
To be honest i dont know which are sativa and which are indicas till they grow and i have read from some sources that it is the indica that is best for pain relief and from others it is the sativa so i'm just gonna see what is best for me from what i have been given
I also have a masters degree in molecular toxicology so i am hoping that with my background i can do some cross pollination till i get something that works for all my conditions
Will let you all know what is happening and i am sure that very soon i will need some advice from you when things go dramatically wrong which things have a habit of doing with me lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry catgirl, unless you lady turns hermie, no man no seeds. VV
Thanks Victor, the friend who gave me the seeds told me to stress the plant to get seeds, which I'm guessing will make it herm? Does this sound right?

If this is right then I'm hoping to try it with a clone later...


Active Member
With regards to bag seed, in all my years in England i have only ever got one seed. I think the dealers here remove any seeds beforehand so that there is no competition in terms of supply.
Just one of my many paranoid theories.

As for pain relief i have found,for back pain in particular, that Durban Poison provides more than enough relief.
Although my opinion is highly biased as i was born and dragged up in Durban and have used Durban Poison, grown wild for the most part, for my chronic back problems since i was about 14.