Medical Card and Selling .


Active Member
Bet a lot of people have this same question If I'm growing a sufficiant amount .
Would I be able to sell my buds to other card holders? I'm thinking of selling my first plant so I can get money for new material and a better grow.
I live in southern california. someone let me know ?


Active Member
or do I need a 'provide' license ? would have sworn theres a state and a federal license for marijuana?

Dice Clay

Active Member
I don't live in Cali, but in my state you can't sell it to other patients.. it has to be given. But If you are in this to make money, I find that sickening srry. As far as a federal license? According the the Feds this plant is still a schedule 1 drug, and you will be subjected to federal mandatory sentencing statutes. The Feds have been leaving solitary PATIENTS alone, however; as you probably know they are cracking down hard in your state because people like you are looking to "sell" and make a cool profit. I would think twice if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Federal law trumps all. No, you cannot sell, possess, give away, cultivate or anything else with pot. By Federal law. And they are the aholes raiding the dispensaries in every state.

Don't help screw up medical for everybody else.


Well-Known Member
you can't sell it but i see it advertised all over the place that you get an 1/8 of Indica for a donation of $50.00 ( example). california is real cheap, Here in Michigan it is 50-60 an 1/8. well, its a free 1/8th with a 50 donation. most folks do have to move a little to pay for costs, there is nothing wrong with this, unless your a selfish douchbag expecting everything handed to you and there are too many of those, too stupid to grow a weed but expect you to do all the work, pay for all the equipment and pay the electric for nothing.


Active Member
wo wo wo.. haha im not talking about providing to kids and being a 'drug dealer' . Last year I could call a guy that worked at a clinic but since they delivered. he would come drive to my house and provide my marijuana. I can't do anything like that ?

forfuckssakes the dude would walk up to my house with a little roller back pack , pulls out this huge tray of buds. then 8th or quater containers. thought this was very helpful.

Dice Clay

Active Member
and what you are describing is so detrimental to the whole medical marijuana movement. It is only black market selling out in the open. That is what I am against. People like you make it hard for honest patients like myself to grow our own medicine in the privacy of our own home without the fear of a raid.

There is a douche bag where I live who was a scummy ass criminal... and you know what he became the head of the caregivers association! So now every other week we are subjected to newspaper articles where he boasts about the profit one can make as a grower and "consultant" He makes 65k a year after taxes "not bad for a guy with no high school education" (his quote)

Sorry but this shit really gets to me, and like I said it brings the legitimate movement down and casts a bad light on all of us. If you are dealing with really sick patients... like the ones I know.. there is no way you would be taking a donation from them... this is something you do because you know its true value and importance, and that is easing the suffering of truly sick patients... It should be legal yes, but it will never be if this blatant abuse keeps occuring in public... and not only occurring but they are reveling in it and flaunting it in law enforcements faces.
Guys please don't hate on this guy because he's looking to sell so that he can afford some more equipment, yes it is wrong looking to make a buck off patients but to be honest if your selling bud at a fair price to people responsible enough to use it then by all means go for it. I'm not gonna tell you its wrong because the law says so. only skyZUU knows his/her intentions but if it's not going to hurt anyone negatively and help you out a little then it sounds like a good idea.

I'm from california and have done a little bit of research on this topic, as i am interested in the same thing, sorta. From my understanding you can just walk into a dispensary with your bud and ask to speak to a buyer/broker/someone who checks buds and purchases them. From what i'v read many dispensaries are looking for bud to buy but they seem to mark the price down well below what people want to pay. I'd scope out a few dispensaries and get price checks your herb. Most forum posts say that they are looking for a min of 1/4 lb.

hope this helps.


Active Member
Very much so, and I would love to just smoke my own buds, haha but once I get the money for some gooooood soil and neuts and containers Instead of putting them in the ground . ( dont gotta worry about my mexican lawn mowers trying to come up or something ) So Id have my containers movable and be able to place in the very back of my back yard where they don't mow . Once I renew my license in a a week or two I'll have few more plants starting . Not breaking any laws though I believe in southern california you can have up to 12 immature 6 mature ? ill have about 3 or 4 plants so I think I'll be fine ! thanks for the input guys.


Well-Known Member
Guys please don't hate on this guy because he's looking to sell so that he can afford some more equipment, yes it is wrong looking to make a buck off patients but to be honest if your selling bud at a fair price to people responsible enough to use it then by all means go for it. I'm not gonna tell you its wrong because the law says so. only skyZUU knows his/her intentions but if it's not going to hurt anyone negatively and help you out a little then it sounds like a good idea.

I'm from california and have done a little bit of research on this topic, as i am interested in the same thing, sorta. From my understanding you can just walk into a dispensary with your bud and ask to speak to a buyer/broker/someone who checks buds and purchases them. From what i'v read many dispensaries are looking for bud to buy but they seem to mark the price down well below what people want to pay. I'd scope out a few dispensaries and get price checks your herb. Most forum posts say that they are looking for a min of 1/4 lb.

hope this helps.
Each state has different provisions on "caregivers" or "provider" or other names for suppliers. These provisions were hard fought for to allow medical marijuana users who cannot grow with weed! Now frigging push it. Figure it out - one of the BIGGEST complaints by the unknowing (general public) is the use of MM as a front to sell! People who push and push and add just one more straw to the camel's load will be the cause of killing these laws. And they are trying!!!!!!! Grow up and do the right thing for everybody.

Nobody is hating on anybody, just trying to protect what little there is. Get the laws thrown out and THEN everybody will hate your ass.


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna do it, keep your head low and do it. I can't believe how many people ask for "selling advice" online.

Use your head. If you have questions, get answers offline. Asking questions like this on an online forum always irritates legal growers who are not interested at all in selling.

Also, good luck competing in the market with outdoor buds.
I agree with what your saying hotrodharley and feel that you have made a strong point. I was coming from the grounds of personal belief and sort of rejecting the MM situation at hand as well as the rhetoric that defines the community. I feel that everyone who smokes and is willing should grow their own marijuana, whether it be for spiritual, recreational, medical purposes. Pretty much civil disobedience on a very large scale which is what the MM community is made out to be. I agree that this is bad for the movement, because its not portrayed as 'good' on the boobtube which can lead to sanctions throwing us in the backwards direction. But I do think that as many people as possible should grow herb and flood the streets with it because it'll take the profiteering away and lower the price for everyone. Doing this would diminish the being of massive profits that currently exist in the Medical/Black Market of marijuana.


Well-Known Member
The Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) states this:

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]he MMMA provides for a system of designated caregivers. The caregiver can acquire 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana and grow up to 12 marihuana plants for a qualifying patient. The caregiver may assist up to 5 patients. The caregiver must sign a statement agreeing to provide marihuana only to the qualifying patients who have named the individual as their caregiver. The caregiver's name, address, birth date and social security number must be provided to the state at the time of a patient's registration. The Department will issue a registry identification card to the caregiver who is named by a qualifying patient on his/her application. The Department may not issue a registry identification card to a proposed caregiver who has previously been convicted of a felony drug offense. The Department will verify through a background check with the Michigan State Police that the designated caregiver has no disqualifying felony drug conviction. A caregiver may receive reasonable compensation for services provided to assist with a qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana.[/SIZE][/FONT]"