Medical Delivery Services?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used either "The Farmacy" in Pawtucket or "Green Canna Inc." in providence to acquire medicine? I know they have patients. they have been operating for years. so the question which started in another forum is. Are they legal and Can you start your own within the limits of the law. They are not Compassion centers. they do not have a store front or building you can go to. they are strictly home delivery. you can read this and see that these places are following the rules. CHAPTER 21-28.6
The Edward O. Hawkins and Thomas C. Slater Medical Marijuana Act. Please lets try to get REAL FACTS not personal opinions. I want to know how they do it within the law because "delivery service collectives" are not listed in the act
from what i have heard is these clubs do not require you to add them as a caregiver.if thats the case thats a huge problem and they are not following the laws.
hopefully they are not running large co-op grows that play with the numbers either.i know somebody that uses turtle island i am going to try to find out more info.
Thank you. I plan to contact whoever is in charge at Green Canna. I want to know what they did to stay "within the law" as they state they do.
Lol they are not in the laws. End of story. This is beating a dead horse now, the laws are clear when it comes to compensation(go figure).

its cool you are ambitious an want to start your own thing. Nothing wrong with that. Just dont wanna see you be mislead which apears to be happening.

show me something from DOH that says you can add a 'group' as a caregiver such as canna green or whatever name is. Then i believe but about 1 month ago they just added a whole entire extra page to application to register dispensary. Places you guys are talking about have been open 2 yrs now... unless theyre registered as dispensary then they are illegal. You getting off them an compensating is illegal.

sometimes people want to do something so bad that they will convince themselfs the wrong info is the correct info... in their eyes i bet they will preach how legal they are because 'grey' areas of ri laws. Which is crap cause no grey areas when it comes to money and the state.
More power to them if they havent gotten caught YET. Not sounding like a hater or anything. Sometimes its frustrating to see the wrong info get spread about people an then somehow turns into a fact in peoples head... example being you need to have seperate rooms and labeled and locked ect... this is something a smart person would do to help themselfs if they were arrested and following the law cause its smart BUT its not in the law anywhere saying it HAS to be done.
The state would not let them operate if they were in fact breaking a state law. they would be shut down immediately because of the money RI would lose to these services. You saying they are not legal does not make it so. because you THINK they are operating in a "grey" area doesn't mean they are doing so. For all any of us know, they may have paid their $250 application fee and $5000 operating fee to the state, have you sign them on as a caregiver. but WITHOUT knowing whether or not they do, we don't have the facts. You understand? they may have paid the fee's in 2010 when I the act was brought in. and paid 5k again after 2 years of operating. They could be registered. obviously nobody on here knows if they are registered or not. When is the next meeting? if cardholder's can find out any information at these meetings then that's obviously the place to ask these questions.
We do know they are not registered as a dispensary since it was all over news and you can research the other dispensary names who were accepted...

therefore, they are not a dispensary. So now you go back to normal laws for caregivers and patients. Which again we can copy an paste that you CANNOT recieve compensation unless that person is registered to you personally... if they advertise in the paper an bring you meds without waiting 3 weeks or so for paperwork then they are indeed breaking the law.

what i was saying is i bet they will convince you they are operating legally so that you use there service but if it came down to police talking to them, they would be in hand cuffs...

also, its not DOH job to research an shut down normal cardholders. This is DEA or local police/state police who do so... these canna places could very well just operate discretely and have flown under radar for along time. Good for them but it is a fact... if a cop called them an said i need an oz to my house ill give you 250 for it like your asking. They show up an hand him an oz an he hands them 250 then they WILL be arrested.

what would be smart thing to do, go to DOH an pay the application fee, explain to them you will NOT cultivate your meds but only buy them from other cardholders an strictly a deliver only service... then no need to have a huge building, no large costs to run... just a place with a security setup to pass the legal parts.
Next hard part is to find patients to use one of there slots to your delivery service, which actually would be easy cause you can buy at 2k a lb off caregivers since they willing to let go for that and then sell at 225 a ounce delivered. As a dispensary you can hold 1500 ounces or something like that so you could easily get variety and tested strains.

the more i think about it i know i could arrange this myself and setup shop legally... i can say first hand people will pay less and have it delivered and be sold off just that. After dealing with you several times they will surely pay the difference to not need the 'show room' to look at the meds.

small upkeep means better prices for community an less work for yourself, plenty of patients will like that.
Matter of fact, you have inspired me lol... the 3rd dispensary in warwick has not applied for its registraion certificate yet... this is something which could easily be done.

Easy meaning talking and application part... inspections and start up costs would take a good 6 months atleast albiet from the state.
Thanks for actually listening and thinking further into it. I know it CAN be done. it may be a difficult start but i'm sure if it's brought up at the next meeting, an abundance of people will back it. I know I would.
it can be done, just the work an effort taken...

if DOH says you need all the qualifications and inspections if your growing anyways even though your not then you mine as well just grow it also but then you run into 100k+ money wise... its about keeping it simple
Collectives will survive Medical into a "Post-Pot-Prohibition" America, and then thrive beyond that. I just read this in the new high times, "Now that Colorado and Washington have made it legal, that genie will never go back into the bottle. So we've got to ask ourselves three questions; How can we best bring this product to America? How can we create jobs while doing so? And how can we be a benefit to society?"
What’s required?
The list of requirements for a delivery service is smaller than for opening a club.

  • You will need a steady source of supply. estimate the amount of marijuana you would need each week to maintain a given level of customers.
  • You and your employees should each have their own medical marijuana recommendations, or be named by someone else as a caregiver.
  • You will need to collect the standard documentation from each of your clients. You will need cheap, reliable transportation.
  • You will need a simple computer database to manage your client list. Any simple contact management software should be able to do the job.
  • You should have two business telephone lines. One will be for intake of new patients. This will be the number you put in your advertising. The second number should be the contact number for registered patients only.
  • A web page can be very useful in that you can put your current catalog of goodies online to help your customers decide. Some clubs choose to have their catalogs on private pages for customers only. They don’t want “too much” exposure. Other clubs put their full current product online as a means of enticing new customers. They aren’t afraid of exposure. Each situation varies.
When you have assembled the requirements, you can advertise here on or in newspapers and magazines local to your area. Your ads can be as simple as “New Marijuana Compassion Group Forming – Call 555-555-3466”
When people call, schedule a visit to their home to sign them up. Make sure you verify their recommendations with the doctor before you allow anyone to purchase any marijuana.
When transporting marijuana to clients, there are a few rules:

  • Make sure the vehicle is properly registered, doesn’t have any obvious defects like burnt-out tail lights, and has adequate gasoline. Vehicle problems are often a ticket to an unpleasant encounter with the police.
  • Obey the traffic laws – always. Don't smoke your own medicine along the way. Don’t give the police excuses to stop you.
  • Carry only what you need for any given delivery trip.
  • Secure the products in a sealed container, preferably in the trunk.
  • Call to verify the appointments when you are on the way. I just found this. it's not about any legal things though, which is what I am still looking for. But it does outline what is needed to start such a service pretty well., like I said it's noting about the legality of it. but a fairly accurate outline for a delivery service.
What’s required?
The list of requirements for a delivery service is smaller than for opening a club.

  • You will need a steady source of supply. estimate the amount of marijuana you would need each week to maintain a given level of customers.
  • You and your employees should each have their own medical marijuana recommendations, or be named by someone else as a caregiver.
  • You will need to collect the standard documentation from each of your clients. You will need cheap, reliable transportation.
  • You will need a simple computer database to manage your client list. Any simple contact management software should be able to do the job.
  • You should have two business telephone lines. One will be for intake of new patients. This will be the number you put in your advertising. The second number should be the contact number for registered patients only.
  • A web page can be very useful in that you can put your current catalog of goodies online to help your customers decide. Some clubs choose to have their catalogs on private pages for customers only. They don’t want “too much” exposure. Other clubs put their full current product online as a means of enticing new customers. They aren’t afraid of exposure. Each situation varies.
When you have assembled the requirements, you can advertise here on or in newspapers and magazines local to your area. Your ads can be as simple as “New Marijuana Compassion Group Forming – Call 555-555-3466”
When people call, schedule a visit to their home to sign them up. Make sure you verify their recommendations with the doctor before you allow anyone to purchase any marijuana.
When transporting marijuana to clients, there are a few rules:

  • Make sure the vehicle is properly registered, doesn’t have any obvious defects like burnt-out tail lights, and has adequate gasoline. Vehicle problems are often a ticket to an unpleasant encounter with the police.
  • Obey the traffic laws – always. Don't smoke your own medicine along the way. Don’t give the police excuses to stop you.
  • Carry only what you need for any given delivery trip.
  • Secure the products in a sealed container, preferably in the trunk.
  • Call to verify the appointments when you are on the way. I just found this. it's not about any legal things though, which is what I am still looking for. But it does outline what is needed to start such a service pretty well.

Having an outline for a business and having the permit to execute it are 2 completely different things. RI approved 3 permits, 1 is active, 1 is gearing up and the other is still up in the air. ANY commercial dispensing other than registered c/g--> patient, etc, is illegal
I could care less about opinions on the legality of this. with over 2000 delivery services nationwide, there is nothing you can say to sway me away from my idea's and how and when I discuss it with other people who feel the same way. I appreciate the opinions but they are NOT needed. I am still looking into this and so is my lawyer(aka my uncle). they are open now in this state and operating under the same regulations as a caregiver or compassions center/dispensary. regardless of whether or not they are a REGISTERED Dispensary or not. They supply patients and have operated for 2 years within this state and have yet to be prosecuted for anything illegal. Corporate America is already looking into what has already started happening, states decriminalizing, adding medical marijuana to their agenda. and so on. The support and the bank roll to back it up is only a short time away. it is LEGAL in 2 states. I am looking towards the future. if it can be done it will be and it obviously already has been done. when the state legalizes it, and these places are already operating(within some form of the law, twisted or otherwise) they will continue to thrive. and the support is already here to back it up. so forget the negativity. WE CANNOT EXPECT THE LAW TO CHANGE ON ITS OWN, WE BEING RISK TAKERS OR WHATEVER, ARE THE ONLY THING THAT WILL EFFECT THE CHANGE WE ARE ALL EXPECTING.
None of those places can or will be a center.There were 3 approved centers and no others will be able to open or apply.The 3 that were approved 1 has not gotten the final go ahead cause they may decide to not open in RI after all.
Yes and as ricky6991 said, the final spot is still available. but it MAY not cost as much if CGs got together to ATTEMPT for a legal "delivery service". No showroom, No building to go to and pick up your medication. just a secured office for receptionists to make and receive whatever calls needed to get confirmation from doctors for patients and so on. A service that could offer medication to the patients for a way cheaper cost. If the startup fee could be lowered in this case then it would create an opportunity for some of us to show that WE CAN GO ABOUT THIS ALL IN A HIGHLY LEGAL MANNER. as stated in the outline above, everything you would need outside of getting the correct certification from the state to open and operate. the more people we can get to attempt this the better. the money is not needed until the application is even allowed to be put in. and the application fee for a "dispensary" is 250. the start up cost then have to be paid PRIOR to starting operations. Like I keep saying, i'm going to attempt this and be as legal as I can when doing so. I'm not looking to become a drug dealer with a fancy title. I'm trying to bring meds to patients of this state at a cheaper cost then they are currently having to pay. I KNOW most caregiver's are getting more than they should be charging for what they have, because the prices are up everywhere. it's just how it is now, and it needs to change.
The 3rd spot will go to Summit and if not, the next applicant from when the 14 or so business plans were submitted to DOH will get reviewed. When they picked the 3, I'm sure they picked a 4th substitute.. Either way, point being, you can't get a permit to dispense (delivery service) at the moment. You WILL be illegal but like you said, others do it .....personally, that's not a good enough reason for me to risk my house, family
and again I will say. I am still going to attempt to get certification. I will not get a group of people together to get arrested. I'm trying to do this LEGALLY. I understand there have been substitutes put in place for situations like one dropping out and basically not getting their $5000 together for whatever reason. Applications are NOT currently being accepted anyways. and I said this earlier. January 1st is the next listed date in the TCS Medical Marijuana Act for another spot being brought into question. and it may not get approved then either. depending on how well the other's work, and how much revenue the state have brought in for the previous year. My uncle and I were talking about this tonight. He believes this can be done. How bout this "Theory". Say your group of patients made a "Monthly Membership Fee" to be part of this service and then just get meds delivered "free of charge". no payment upon receipt of medication. and the cost for "membership" could be exceptionally lower than that of using a compassion center for a month. again I'm trying to do this in a way were I CAN get certified. And that was simply a theory I thought up earlier tonight.