If you dont trust medical Marijuana,and trust a pharmeceutical companys lab created drug,where there only real care in the world is to get rich as fuck and make lods of money by having people addicted to their 'medical' drug,then i feel sorry for you,like i feel sorry for 90 percent(probably over) of the population,because they are ignorant,uneducated idiots
Cocaine and HEROIN are marketed to us on prescrption,but hidden under red tape and BRAND names to disguise the fact that in essence,it is actually heroin
I have a skin problem,Acne to be precise,im 21 nearly now,and its got alot better but i still get it,my skins very oily(not super but,its not dry either),i was going to take a drug called Roaccutane,i looked at the possible side effects leaflet,and AMONGST all the nasty,nasty,nasty side effects i could have had,one of them was...................VIRAL HEPITITIS C OF THE LIVER,i was like......your fucking kidding me,so i thought fuck that theres no way im touching that stuff.
most of the prescription drugs do more harm than good,i dont have an excusable(not that its an excuse for you guys,just keep reading youll see)medical condition that i NEED to smoke cannabis for,i like to get high on weed,its just lovely,its something i want to do,i enjoy it hugely,and it makes reading books,playing games and wathcing films all the more interesting,and i loved doing those things anyway
but it is an utter utter shame where poeple who are in chronic constantly day pain,are not allowed to have a natural non processed wonder herb that would make their quality of life so so so much better,instead they are marketed pain killers and all sorts(like i said,heroin etc etc,adhd is controlled with a lab altered version of METHAMPHETAMINE,you know,crystal meth,they even give your kids that shite).
its a crying shame its not legal the world over for medical purposes,as its so obviously a good thing,i feel bad when i just smoke loads,because i think of the people that really do need it,and dont want to take all those shitty factory made drugs,i sympathise with them so much,and it makes me angry that they could be denied their relief,very very angry.
like i said,i just love to smoke it,i dont like getting pissed out of my face,i have a drink once in a while,get a bit tipsy etc etc,but i far far prefer smoking pot and say,reading a good sci-fi book,or playing xbox/ps3 on my own or with my buddies,its so much more immersive.Yet i am considered a criminal,where as a crime is commited against another person or property,possesion of drugs makes a crime out of something that truly just is not a crime