Medical Marijuana Cards?


Well-Known Member
wtf is IBS??!! insane bull shit? sorry had to be a wise ass. really have no clue what ibs is none the less :)


Well-Known Member
I know what IBS means..I want to know if anybody has recieved a card because they have IBS or anybody know if anyone has?
I know you do, but the other guy didnt. I dont think its very common but if MMJ is helping you, then you can get prescribed MMJ for pretty much anything if your determined. You just need to find a doctor who will take you seriously. Check cannabis clubs, they usually know "pot friendly" doctors.

Good luck and Stick with it! If it really is helping then stay determined and you will get medical status.



Well-Known Member
I know you do, but the other guy didnt. I dont think its very common but if MMJ is helping you, then you can get prescribed MMJ for pretty much anything if your determined. You just need to find a doctor who will take you seriously. Check cannabis clubs, they usually know "pot friendly" doctors.

Good luck and Stick with it! If it really is helping then stay determined and you will get medical status.

I found this site...

And I have my appointment for the Medicann office on thursday...Wish me luck.


Active Member
Chronic Pain is a pretty hard to define condition. I'm sure that IBS has a relation to pain, if it isn't a qualifying condition in and of itself. imo
GMG :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks...that makes me feel alot better...Now dont I feel like im going to be wasting 150 buck at the medicann office on Thursday.:-P
perfect place for my first post!
$150!? Mine was $200! but its worth it man..
I got it for IBS and nausea from THCF:weed:


Well-Known Member
I stated that my sisters was gotten because of IBS. IBS is actually outlined on the THCF website.
I went and got my card today..It was so took me longer to fill out the paperwork than it did for the doctor to see me...I seen the doctor for about 2 minutes...Will be showing you my grows in the coming months...good luck to anyone who is trying to get a card.


Active Member
I should say Im new to the site here, it is freakin cool, I have had 3 long hard back surgerys, and need help. any one who can point me in the right direction your help would be greatly appreciated. Its about time Michigan got with the program


Well-Known Member
Google THC foundation and it will tell you exactly what to do. Its pretty easy. I have IBS, Sarcoidosis, migraines, chronic pain and swelling and a whole host of fun things. All I had to do was get chart notes from my doctors, you don't have to tell them why you want them and if they ask, just say you are starting your own medical file! Fax or mail the paperwork to the THC foundation and they will call you about a week later to tell you if you qualify! I got my call last night!!!!!!

My appt is at the Southfiled office in MI in less than two weeks! It is a $200 office visit for the THC doctor to do his thing but by prepaying with my debit card, I saved $20. Take a look at the web site and if you need any help, I'd be happy to assist you!


Well-Known Member
medicann is the one I went through for my last one... but I went in for my knee (torn ACL; subsequent knee reconstruct), so that was a no brainer... if you read the list of symptoms in prop 215, IBS is not mentioned, but I beleive it also has a "... or if marijuana provides relief for any other serious illness...", so you will be fine... I have seen people get cards for TMJ, which is a jaw disorder, so IBS should be shoe-in...