Medical Marijuana Frustration in Alabama/Tennessee


Active Member
I own homes in both Alabama and Tennessee. And I would gladly declare my primary residence to be in whichever state allowed me legal cannibis relief from my excrutiating TMJ pain. But neither state does. Nor will it (it seems) in the near future.

Thus, I am forced to grow at home at risk of arrest as a "Marijuana trifficer", or sweat out regular buys of seed-filled crap from Mexico. No thanks.

I grow at home. And I dream of the day when the stupid ultra conservative fucks of the fucking Bible Belt decide to let well enough alone; and allow people of need to grow their own cannibis at home without fear of being JAILED for the act...

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
WC, I feel yer pain (Well, OK maybe not the TMJ). I live in Tn, and it doesn't look good for either state here in the near future. If I was a betting bunny, I'd put my money on Alabama waking up before Tn does. Just do your thing, TELL NO ONE, (TBI has one FUCK of a snitch network!!!) and keep a low profile, You should be fine. Know your rights and NEVER let the cops on your property unless they have a warrant. Fence the property and put up a gate. Never open it for anybody you don't know. Put an Atty and a Bondsman on retainer.

BTW, I like yer location. Good place to be!!


Well-Known Member
It is also a good idea to put up 'NO TRESPASSING' signs at regular intervals on your fences and esp on your gates. 'BEWARE OF DOG' always works nicely too. I actually saw one property once that had the sign, 'BEWARE OF OWNER' :) I didn't think what would would happen if I went up and rang thier doorbell!


Hey WC! Im in the same situation you are in! [FONT=arial, sans-serif]I crushed 4 vertebrae my freshman year in college.[/FONT] Instead of buying poor cannabis i have been growing my own for the last 3-4 years. ever since i moved back to TN from GA. I never had any problem finding medical grade cannabis in GA ( Atlanta or Augusta anyways) Have not been caught..knock on wood. But then again it never leaves my house so i dont feel i should ever get caught. I have been "tweeting" my reps, legislators, gov haslam, and whichever non competitors are running against them, on a daily basis. Here is what my tweet looks like : @RepDianeBlack @louannzelenik @debramaggart @kerryeroberts@BillHaslam I'm from #Gallatin I support #Medical #Cannabis &#Personal #Freedoms

Lets make this a major issue in Tennessee for this election year! You can follow me @BraaWebb if you guys would like! Its not ideal but I feel that the "idiots" in Washington listen more to tweets than to the actual people trying to talk to them! But then again they are so ass backwards, cigs and booze kill,cannabis heals!


Active Member
The bible belt is a thing from the past when the drug of choice here is meth now.i had to laugh last week when our legislatures had more of a debate about lap dogs in cars rather than the issue of medical marijuana....the debate on medical marijuana lasted every bit of maybe 5 the next election we need to vote these people out of office and get people that are pro to the issue of medical marijuana that is how we will do away with these very slow people.,,,,you do know gov haslam is at the bottom of the issue?? He doesn't care about the people that voted him in office..he does what he wants not anthing that would be called the mainstream of tn.....he screwed knoxville and now his legacy will continue with our state..


Well-Known Member
I want a sign "I will not be held responsible for what happens to you, police or otherwise, if you enter uninvited or illegally, as far as but not limited to death"

Kinda suspicious tho.


Well-Known Member
It is also a good idea to put up 'NO TRESPASSING' signs at regular intervals on your fences and esp on your gates. 'BEWARE OF DOG' always works nicely too. I actually saw one property once that had the sign, 'BEWARE OF OWNER' :) I didn't think what would would happen if I went up and rang thier doorbell!

Beware of Dog sign is only OK if you do not have a dog. If you have a dog and someone gets bit by it, the court will use your signs as evidence that you knew you had a vicious animal and you did not keep it properly contained.


Active Member
When these states along with the rest of them realize the kind of revenue it can bring in everyone will want in on the action,,,,,like today in Tn. they made it a point to get more revenue off these stores that have the tobacco you can buy and the store can package a carton of cigs in 8 minutes...the cost was 23 or 26 dollars,,,,enter the state of Tn. (no thanks to one of the legislators that has a couple convenent stores) that couldn't compete with the loose leaf tobacco product so he got legislation passed to throw tax on the product.,,it was said that those cigs. did not conform to the tax structure in Tn..,,,,,Granite this is just a tobacco product but still that thing called tax will win out as it will eventually for Medical Marijuana....time is on the people's side now...


New Member
Beware of Dog sign is only OK if you do not have a dog. If you have a dog and someone gets bit by it, the court will use your signs as evidence that you knew you had a vicious animal and you did not keep it properly contained.
this is true a cop told me to take down my signs for the same reason.