bud bootlegger
i absolutely hate mmj for many reasons, one of the biggest is the better then thou attitude many mmj card holders have.. they are always saying i'm a patient, not a criminal.. so, because i smoke to get high, and not for any illness, most of which are bs to begin with, i'm a criminal for partaking in the same drug you are?? hypocrite much??
secondly, if we only fight for mmj, it seems that the fight for full on legalization is taking a back seat.. too many people are willing to simply lie and go to some quack dr who is willing to accept money to say that the person has a legitimate need for mmj.. once they get their card, they now feel why bother taking this any further?? i can now grow, smoke and possess so much weed, w/e amount is allowed by my state / county, why worry about any one elses right to enjoy the same things?? i see it a lot around here, it's sickening..
thirdly, even if my state ever decides to get it's act together and offer mmj, i would be very hesitant to get on board with it for the following reasons.. you have to register with the state to have a mmj card.. guess what that means to me?? the state now knows exactly who i am, where i live, and what i am up to.. i don't really dig that fact.. yah, they may have a clue now, but they don't have it in black in white, my name, addy, ssn, etc.. eff that.. that's just asking for trouble imo.. especially considering the fact that even mmj card holders are breaking federal law by growing.. so say johhnny fed gets a bug up his ass about mmj, all they have to do is look at who is registered in that state and bam, they can now go directly to your place of residence and bust you.. why make things easier for them is what i'm asking..
idk, there's a lot of other things that bother me about mmj, and i would love to see full on legalization, but i don't see it happening in my life time, which is complete horse shit, but it is what it is..
secondly, if we only fight for mmj, it seems that the fight for full on legalization is taking a back seat.. too many people are willing to simply lie and go to some quack dr who is willing to accept money to say that the person has a legitimate need for mmj.. once they get their card, they now feel why bother taking this any further?? i can now grow, smoke and possess so much weed, w/e amount is allowed by my state / county, why worry about any one elses right to enjoy the same things?? i see it a lot around here, it's sickening..
thirdly, even if my state ever decides to get it's act together and offer mmj, i would be very hesitant to get on board with it for the following reasons.. you have to register with the state to have a mmj card.. guess what that means to me?? the state now knows exactly who i am, where i live, and what i am up to.. i don't really dig that fact.. yah, they may have a clue now, but they don't have it in black in white, my name, addy, ssn, etc.. eff that.. that's just asking for trouble imo.. especially considering the fact that even mmj card holders are breaking federal law by growing.. so say johhnny fed gets a bug up his ass about mmj, all they have to do is look at who is registered in that state and bam, they can now go directly to your place of residence and bust you.. why make things easier for them is what i'm asking..
idk, there's a lot of other things that bother me about mmj, and i would love to see full on legalization, but i don't see it happening in my life time, which is complete horse shit, but it is what it is..