Medical marijuana smoker fights for right to smoke on BC Ferries

jafro daweedhound

Well-Known Member
BC Ferries says it has the right to ban pot smoking, but medical user cries 'harassment on the high seas'
By Mike Laanela, CBC News Posted: Jun 09, 2016 2:44 PM PT Last Updated: Jun 09, 2016 2:44 PM PT


Ryan Malazdrewicz, on the left, says he got in a heated argument with a BC Ferries officer, on the right, over smoking pot in the ship's designated smoking zone. (MC Farmer/Facebook)

Mike Laanela

Mike Laanela is an online journalist and editor with CBC News in Vancouver.

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A medical marijuana smoker who posted a video of a heated argument with a BC Ferries officer says he's within his rights to light up in designated smoking zones.

But the ferry corporation says not so fast and is claiming the right to limit pot smoking, just like they limit alcohol consumption.

Ryan Malazdrewicz, 40, says he was on his way home to Vancouver Island on the Wednesday afternoon, when he decided to "'medicate" in the ship's outside smoking zone.

The Ucluelet resident says he's had a medical marijuana licence for about seven years because of his back pain.

Malazdrewicz says as soon as he lit up he was confronted by one of the ship's officers telling him to stop. When he refused, more of the ship's crew showed up and surrounded him. That's when he says he went down to the chief steward's office to complain.

He notes there was no signage anywhere saying passengers can't smoke pot in the designated smoking zone and nobody in the steward's office was able to produce a written policy either.

"They told me its an internal policy, but they didn't have anything posted on it. They just referred me to a customer relations number who couldn't tell me anything."

'Harassment on the high seas'
Malazdrewicz says after speaking with BC Ferries customer relations and getting nowhere, he then called his lawyer, well-known pot advocate Kirk Tousaw, who advised him he was within his rights to be smoking in the designated zone.

He then returned to the designated smoking zone, where he ended up in another shouting match with the same ship's officer, which he recorded on his phone.

He then posted the video on Facebook under the title 'Harassment on the high seas'

Malazdrewicz says he was not smoking pot during the second encounter and was also concerned the officer, who identified himself only as James, covered up his name badge during the encounter.

He says while he has faced harassment in the past over his marijuana use, he's also smoked freely in public places for years, including outside airports.

"Any place there is a smoking section, I'm very within my rights to smoke cannabis," he said.

He adds anyone who wants to avoid the smoke should just avoid the smoking section on the ship's outer deck.

No booze, no pot, says BC Ferries
But BC Ferries disagrees with Malazdrewicz's interpretation of what rights medical marijuana smokers have on the corporation's vessels.

Spokeswoman Deborah Marshall says regardless of whether a person can produce a Health Canada card, BC Ferries does not allow the use of marijuana onboard vessels or anywhere on its property, "much like the consumption of alcohol."


Like most BC Ferries vessels, the Queen of Cowichan has designated smoking areas on the ship's outside decks. (BC Ferries)

But while the consumption of alcohol is illegal in public places that are not licensed, recent court rulings and lack of any new federal legislation has cast a haze over pot laws.

For instance, a spokesperson for the Vancouver Police Department confirmed that anyone with a legitimate medical marijuana licence is allowed to smoke pot in public in Vancouver, as long as they they are not breaking city smoking bylaws.

BC Ferries maintains it has a similar right to restrict marijuana use onboard its vessels.

"When issuing these cards, Health Canada does not specify where or when a person may use marijuana; the holder of the card is expected to use discretion in that regard," Marshall said in a email.

"Use in a public place may be considered inappropriate depending upon the circumstances, and a private company/property holder's policies are to be complied with."

Malazdrewicz says BC Ferries has since acknowledged to him that their signage is not clear, but he's yet to see any written statement spelling out BC Ferries policy on smoking pot in designated smoking zones.
I think this guy should sue the loudmouth for harassment.

In a separate action, sue for the right to smoke weed in designated smoking areas.
alcohol is not medicine; what a poor fallacious argument

p.s. i used to burn joint after joint after joint when riding the ferry...every single time i rode the boat :)
Yup...right on the bow, under the windows. Nobody there to bitch and the smoke dissipates immediately. I decided to test their medical policy the last time I took a ferry (several years ago). I smoked a joint in the parking lot outside the terminal in one said shit. I used my vape in the seating area and no one noticed...then I decided to light one in the smoking area and people noticed... two guys asked me for a toke! I didn't hear anything from ferry staff tho.
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my wife and i go to an unoccupied place and light up.
yes we are legal but we are also discreet. just because we "can" doesn't mean we should.
on the other side-i would have asked where to medicate then.
BC Ferries replied to a guy on facebook on this and they said that since they were a private company, they don't have to allow it. the strange part is i thought they were publicly funded.
They are a private company operating BC Ferries...100% funded by the taxpayer. It allows them to add various 'surcharges' without having to call it taxation. The ships are still 100% owned by the people of BC. They are an extension of our highways and as such my right to medicate must be respected. The guy will win the suit...and a cash settlement from BC Human Rights Tribunal!
This is bullshit. We should organize a BC ferries smoke out. Would be cool to get 40 or 50 people medicating on the ferry. Their policy is in contravention of medical patients charter of rights and a violation of human rights. Truly dispicable that they allow the consumption of a know carcinogen (tobacco) but prohibited a persons medicine.

"When issuing these cards, Health Canada does not specify where or when a person may use marijuana; the holder of the card is expected to use discretion in that regard," Marshall said in a email.

The courts have ruled there is a medical right to use, full stop. Health Canada has no say on when or where and the courts have repeatedly backed this up as use is highly situational for many users.

I really fucking hate BC Ferries. Government basically gifted them a massive monopoly for pennies on the dollar and they continually rape and pillage over and over as a result.
Just fired this off to bc ferries and BC ministers.

"I must say that it's truly despicable for you to discriminate against a person taking a doctor prescribed medicine aboard your vessels. Although you let a known carcinogen (tobacco) that kills thousands of people yearly, to be consumed on board. How hypocritical. I'm disgusted that in this day and age that a company that is heavily subsidized by the taxpayers ($106mil annually) would hassle a person trying to medicate with a Health Canada, doctor prescribed, medication, in a designated smoking area. You have violated this persons Canadian Charter of rights and Freedoms, as decided by Canada's Supreme Court of Canada. Pathetic.

Should go further and argue that their policy is beyond absurd as they force me to go mingle with a bunch of cancer stick smokers who aren't always easy to avoid, especially on the smaller ferries. They have opened up a can of worms here big time. Maybe we'll be seeing a designated cannabis smoking area coming soon to BC ferries near you.
I think my original HC paperwork said 'avoid consuming in public' or something along those lines. What other medicine does HC give that recommendation for? I go out of my way to be discreet for the most part, but theoretically, anywhere smoking is allowed, I can medicate.
I think my original HC paperwork said 'avoid consuming in public' or something along those lines. What other medicine does HC give that recommendation for? I go out of my way to be discreet for the most part, but theoretically, anywhere smoking is allowed, I can medicate.

They only recommend this because it is illegal and it does make you a target. Although in BC this isn't as much the case anymore. Just one more argument in favor of full legalization (treat em like any other flower too to keep prices down) to throw in the courts face.