Medical state with most opportunity for growers?


Active Member
So what state offers the most opportunity for medical growers? Everyone always talks about Cali being over ran, Colorado with too tight of regulation making it impossible for the small-medium guy to get established. For someone looking for a place to establish themselves as a grower, state-legal, what place is most friendly? What kind of capital would this require JUST to get established? Thanks guys! :leaf:
michigan is new to medical with most laws that havent been wrote yet but with a max plant count of 72 plants you cant go wrong((your 12 plant) +(5 patiants X 12plants) =72 plant). a caregiver can have five patients and can grow each patients 12 plants for them. you can carry 2.5 ounces usable weed per patient so at total max 15 ounces.


Well-Known Member
michigan is new to medical with most laws that havent been wrote yet but with a max plant count of 72 plants you cant go wrong((your 12 plant) +(5 patiants X 12plants) =72 plant). a caregiver can have five patients and can grow each patients 12 plants for them. you can carry 2.5 ounces usable weed per patient so at total max 15 ounces.
How do you obtain patients


Well-Known Member
How do you obtain patients
you find patients and ask them to sign a care giver slip. usually you offer something in return. Discount on finished product, or more commonly free product from your harvest since your growing it for them and not yourself.
free meds to my patients and really cheap medibles, i sell my overages to other caregivers for a profit.
thats how we caregivers do it in the north.


Well-Known Member
free meds to my patients and really cheap medibles, i sell my overages to other caregivers for a profit.
thats how we caregivers do it in the north.
I'm possibly moving to Michigan in the fall. I'll have my bachelors of biology with emphasis in botany. I hope to do the same


Active Member
free meds to my patients and really cheap medibles, i sell my overages to other caregivers for a profit.
thats how we caregivers do it in the north.
So does this allow you to call it your 'profession'? Are you making enough to pay your bills, cover overhead and eat food?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
So does this allow you to call it your 'profession'? Are you making enough to pay your bills, cover overhead and eat food?
I think he has an emphasis on COMPASSION and not making a buck....You forget legit caregivers are typically patients themselves and just want to help other patients who may not be able to grow...It's kinda like working on your brother in-law's would be nice, but not required from family.....same idea here: WE ARE ALL FAMILY, no need to be as corrupt as the pharmaceutical industries..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i grow my own here in Oregon.. it now cost me $175.00 to the state and $200.00 for the doctors notes.. we can have 24 plants with only 6 being mature.. a mature plant here in oregon is 12: in hight or 12" in dim.( this is what needs to be changed here in oregon the mature plant restiction be4 they start asking for clubs). we can have 1 1/2 in our possition.. we can hold up to 4 cards yours and grow for 3 other patiants.. any more ? please ask.


Active Member
this argument gets old. It is compassion that drives me to want to make 'profit'. My idea of profit is surviving and getting by. I cant give 100% focus on making my meds and breeding my meds while working a full time job. I am always looking to better quality and access. Without people out there dedicating there lives to this plant where would we be today? Thank god there are people who spend countless hours cultivating this plant and their respect for it. I am in no way a comparison to a pharmaceutical company, its too bad that the people who do wrong with money ruin the image of what GOOD money really can and could do. But thanks for pointing fingers and making shortsighted accusations, it gets old.