MedicGrow Fold 8 760w Samsung Diodes 8 bar fixture? $589 US shipped free, BETTER DEAL THAN MEIJIU BAR LIGHTS!?

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please check the hanging guide here: :hug:
How to Hang Medic Grow Fold 8 LED Grow Light in Your Grow Tent
Honestly, as a person who frequently says "Screw the directions, I got this!" actually is that easy. It's plug and play which all the big manufacturers are doing for utility industries for the workers. Medic Grow just decided to keep that in mind for customers without buying power of a company and is balancing price, with quality and functionality when developing products! In other words, they're building lights how they would if it was their own self interest on the line. They really are focused on a quality product that competes and delivers! For God sakes the light bars are replaceable individually! IF one ever failed, you could replace just the failed bar light!

If you don't want to spend $1400 for an top quality light that DOES come with the dimmer installed and not for an extra $125, look no further than here! I posted links in this thread just above!
Just finishing up my first run under two of these lights hanging right now the weight look like is significantly more but we will see you in about 10 more days how do I light the light it's a really good light for any money
The EZ8 looks rad. Looking forward to your review!
Well I can tell you so far this light has efficiently replaced my Osram light to finish up my current grow. I haven't had to adjust anything since the install and will only gain more control once I controller arrives too! I would easily buy more of these lights over Osram! You get 2 for 1 when you compare pricing!!
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I won one a few months back, it's a nice LED. I'm still using my Gavita's, this will be a backup just in case.
Yes, that’s the fold 8. They do use the Samsung and Osram diodes, where they save money is on the driver, with a manufacturer I never heard of (and neither did you). But the led works great, it’s a nice, solid unit and the quoted specs hit the mark.