Medicinal Marijuana Washington


To who can help me out. Me and my girlfriend and I are trying to raise a kid and live a family life. Well when she bacame pregant her back has gone to shit. I was wondering where do we start and what do we need so that she can get the # 1 medicine for her pain.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I are in the same boat..she has a really bad back (herninated disc) and cannot stand to take pain meds but doesn't have a choice. I am told in washington that you have to have 3 current doctor visits (have a friend in the process of gettting a card and this is what he was told)

Hopefully by the end of this year my wife can get her card...gonna be harder for her because we dont have health insurance. I have not found to much on first hand knowledge with getting a card here in WA

Best of luck in your venture


Well-Known Member
I live in WA, and i've gone thru the gauntlet.

You need proof (doctors chart notes) that you suffer from chronic pain (pain that has lasted for 3 months or longer). It doesnt matter how many doctors visits you have, but THCF (The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation) will tell you to send in three different pieces of information, that combined, will prove your "chronic pain". I sent mine in, but was later need to send an extra paper to further verif. So it doesnt exactly mean you need three doc visits, or three documents. They just dont want you faxing 40 pieces of paper in to them, because they have to verify your condition before they will allow you to make an appointment with them.

Pretty much, if they can prescribe you some vicodine, then they can approve you for medical mj.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I live in WA, and i've gone thru the gauntlet.

You need proof (doctors chart notes) that you suffer from chronic pain (pain that has lasted for 3 months or longer). It doesnt matter how many doctors visits you have, but THCF (The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation) will tell you to send in three different pieces of information, that combined, will prove your "chronic pain". I sent mine in, but was later need to send an extra paper to further verif. So it doesnt exactly mean you need three doc visits, or three documents. They just dont want you faxing 40 pieces of paper in to them, because they have to verify your condition before they will allow you to make an appointment with them.

Pretty much, if they can prescribe you some vicodine, then they can approve you for medical mj.

Good luck
Thats a lot of hoops and hurdles for some weed.