And chance you could hook me up with those vids ?Watched a lot of his videos and downloaded a lot so still have those somewhere. He's off instagram also so maybe he just wants to work without all the attention
You tube grow vids are great. You get video proof of techniques and not just some bullshit spouted on some weed forum....most growers o. Yt are legal.....He's an ASS HAT!
You all get sucked in by video BS!
Leave as much evidence as he has that way, and you'll be in the same place he is!
Next question is...Will he be like RezD and snitch to save his ass?
Fucking morons taking vids and showing the whole world what they got - of illegal activities too.
The fucking alphabet boys have really big dicks! Maybe not in real life but, in work....They swing monsters!
They can look at all those vids and count grows. Listen to his claims and counts. Then charge him with an estimated total grow weight from over years! This maybe plead out BUT, the IRS will hit him with estimated tax's on estimated values of profits made. He can't plead that out very easy. Specially if he takes a criminal case plea deal or rats out others!
FUCK growing video tubes!
You tube grow vids are great. You get video proof of techniques and not just some bullshit spouted on some weed forum....most growers o. Yt are legal.....
Check out....vader og...medgrower1...grandmasterlevel..urbanremo...some of these guys are in canada...which is legal at the federal level.....Really? Most of those I bothered to look at. Showed plants with problems of one sort or another...
Lately we've had people coming in and asking whats wrong with their plants...."I followed what Schmuckly Brainfart did in his video series on growing."
NOT LEGAL AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL! I don't give a shit what state your in! It's still illegal and your subject to DEA (With Homeland along for the ride) raids!
Sessions has promised to get tough on "weed". Even in "legal" states. HAIL TRUMP!
.......herbin farmer, thc titan, subcool420...the list is pretty big...i could keep goin...Really? Most of those I bothered to look at. Showed plants with problems of one sort or another...
Lately we've had people coming in and asking whats wrong with their plants...."I followed what Schmuckly Brainfart did in his video series on growing."
NOT LEGAL AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL! I don't give a shit what state your in! It's still illegal and your subject to DEA (With Homeland along for the ride) raids!
Sessions has promised to get tough on "weed". Even in "legal" states. HAIL TRUMP!
Whaaat? Bragging about selling by the lb? NEVER...u just made that shit up...and if u think that the feds cant monitor this website and track your ip as are delusional.vader og is a california seed grower - ocean grown seeds. He is about as easy to find as ice cream at a ball game.
Same with 90% of youtube growers, and 90% of those are illegal or very ripe targets. Sure, they are in legal states or med states, but count their plants, listen to them brag about selling by the pound. That is outside the lines in almost every state (save CA, for now).
But the good doctor is correct, if you listen and look hard enough, most of those guys - roundtable included - are begging for an armed visit of one flavor or another.
And fwiw, there are ways to get the gps coordinates of uploaded youtube videos(assuming they are geotagged to begin with). It doesn't matter though, the feds have ways of finding growers when they want to. So do the rippers.
The unfortunate fact is a grower of any size will have a lot of product on hand for the few weeks around harvest. In some cases many pounds of it (gml harvests 40-50 pounds at a time), and that can be very valuable to a ripper. Worse for you if they do it for a living rather than opportunistically.
The other thing that gobsmacks me is the weedtubers that smoke while driving. That is illegal everywhere. What are they thinking?
The promise of legalization did one thing, it brought a lot of growers out into the open. And when you are delicious and defenseless, it's best to go un-noticed.
Whaaat? Bragging about selling by the lb? NEVER...u just made that shit up...and if u think that the feds cant monitor this website and track your ip as are delusional.
I read that they have to basically have a warrant to see what your doing online
I see, okay so you keep mentioning this "sessions"(what is that?) and also said something about Trump. What does that have to do with any of it? Ive totally stopped watching the news and paying attention to politics ever since this last election. It's just all a bunch of bs and bashing.Not under the patriot act. If ISP's voluntarily turn over records, no warrant is needed. A warrant is only needed when someone refuses to voluntarily share data. Most ISP's and carriers routinely provide requested records without a warrant. And if one is required, there are forms they can fill out and instantly acquire them. You don't own the data, the ISP and carriers do. RIU won't share, but the guvvies don't need them to.
And this is a public board after all. You have no rights to privacy here. You don't even have the expectation of anonymity (which isn't even a right).
But you are correct, up until recently the small fish on this board haven't been targets and no resources have been applied to ferret anyone out. Will that continue under sessions? Who knows.
But if you are being watched for other reasons, they can and will pull in what you post here to add to their packet on you. People have had pictures they posted used as evidence. It could have come from computers seized, or maybe not.
I see, okay so you keep mentioning this "sessions"(what is that?) and also said something about Trump. What does that have to do with any of it? Ive totally stopped watching the news and paying attention to politics ever since this last election. It's just all a bunch of bs and bashing.
So what your saying though is that Trump may relax the laws on cannabis a bit more?
Well what a load of shit. I mean seriously, who in there right mind, of all things and all the craziness in this world, would vow to battle anything cannabis related? What an asshole. He must be living a very unhappy life. Probably the type that gets a smile from someone and it pisses him off or feels he's too good for some random peasant to be smiling at him. "WHERE'S MY COFFEE AND BRIEF CASE!?!"The sessions is a vile and regressive creature currently acting as the US Attorney General. The AG controls the department of justice and the FBI and DEA. He has vowed to target and shut down cannabis legalization and growing. He is putting a lot of resources into doing just that. Resources that formerly weren't targeted on cannabis.
He has been thrown a few speed bumps by congress, but he is still charging forward.
So what was an un-concerted effort to battle cannabis legalization and growers who supplied legal markets is now very focussed and well funded. How successful it will be is another question entirely.