Mediocre Negroes

Black Panther-turned conservative author and activist Mason Weaver says after taking a beating for civil rights, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) joined his “oppressors” in the Democratic Party and has since assisted in the “destruction of black America.”

He rails against some democratic controlled shithole inner cities too.

why are you citing the white supremacist jew haters at breitbart?

like my new sig?
Supports millionaire trust funders who've never actually earned a W-2 eligible dime in their lives.


The only one responsible for you and your welfare is you. That includes health care and retirement. Unless you're a cripple, retard or imbecile.
It's not Uncle sams baliwick to care for us cradle to grave.
I know I'm sober .mwhich is unusual. But I couldn't understand half the posts in this thread

okay, i will try to help you understand.

a commentator on CNN called ray lewis (murderer) and don king (murderer) and steve harvey (not a murderer) and kanye west (a jackass, but not a murderer) "mediocre negroes" a few days ago. a racist jew hater started a thread about it.

i immediately derailed it by pointing out a more insane and more current fact: russian dictator vladimir putin held a press conference in which he praised donald trump, and called russian prostitutes "women of low social responsibility". then he bragged that russia has the best prostitutes. then he praised trump again.

also, the woman trump is trying to nominate for secretary of education said we need guns in schools to keep the grizzly bears out. i am not making this up.

then it turned into fdd's ego and OP's white supremacism and general chaos.

all in all a pretty decent day.