Meditation with plants?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anybody here meditates with their plants? Cannabis specifically; but plants in general as well. It's something I think deserves a try.



Well-Known Member
Dude they been doing it for years you benefit from the increase levels of oxygen which gives you a sense of euphoria and the plants benefit from the extra CO2


Active Member
hah and i felt like the only one it is good but, from a cultivating perspective and view from feng-shui its a no-no to have plants in the house because they suck imagine an mj plant with all those turpentines and flavinoids, that plant ahs more chromosones than you!!! studies show scientists dont know where 70% of the capability to grow comes from and it takes A TON of energy from surroundings so if you plan on just giving them your energy go right ahead, damn succubus bitches :) theyll return it later at least


Well-Known Member
yeah.... i got a lot of spiritual energy i dont miind sharing some with ma plants... like ya said they pay it back in full... besides our energy comes back :)

i dunno it more or less maskes me feel at peace im not exactly gonna go sit in a bright hydro tent for two hours am i... i am doing it to feel at one with nature... although they are taking energy as you say they are still rewarding me with nice aromas and clean air :)

so im happty with the trade off maself.. it just makes me feel at peace and they are such beautiful plants..


Active Member
I dont meditate with my plants... I meditate after I SMOKE my plants. It's the only reason I get high!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
haha, same here bogart i always feel bad if i smoke and dont meditate it feels like a waste, after all drugs are to be used to alter and explore the mind, not just escape from it.


Well-Known Member
guess i must be different then
ill smoke then meditate around ma plants (but mind you its more just sitting and feeling at peace most times)

when theyre gone i more either just sit out the back looking at nothing in particular just feeeling free and at peace :) or sit down on rollitup smoking bongs or space out playing video games... and wait till ma next ones r big enough ta sit around and admire lol


Active Member
me too i find my eyes always trying to open up and wonder over at the plants to stare at their green beauty gleaming of the tops from the t5, its funny to think our plants ar spoiled because we sit and meditate with them everyday its a great honor for a plant, they are obsessed with any human contact they can get (i remember hearing of someone meditating on what it feels like to be grass when its stepped on, it wasnt painful quite the opposite, the grass was in pure bliss that a human would grace it with its presence by stepping on it) so its a good piece of advice to anyone to not bring the days problems with you in the garden think of it as your own zen garden of sorts :)


Active Member
i agree bogart theres been times where cannabis has taken what wouldve been a standard "chi" cultivaton and made it into an overwhelming, omg i cant continue experience that stays with you for life, i remember when i first began when the manifestations were most powerful because your clearing out your body, i was hit with rays of light, been induced into deep trances with R.E.M. have had my body sway and tremble, and have relived dreams entire dreams in mere seconds some of which i have forgotten for years, its like a shroom trip at times when you combine meditation with cannabis, more should try it mind expanding doesnt even begin to scratch the surface, i think thats one of the main reasons its illegal, god forbid you become spirtual and think for yourself and see the corruption in the world around you


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anybody here meditates with their plants? Cannabis specifically; but plants in general as well. It's something I think deserves a try.

I don't know what the point would be or what anyone would have to gain from meditating with plants. Heck, if you're going to set aside the time for meditation you want to practice a form that's based on the way that your mind works. There's only one form that is - the Energy-Control Meditation Technique:

the Energy-Control Meditation Technique


Active Member
yes emotos work is awesome i tape the word love to all my watering bottles for this purpose (i believe the plants assimilate water more readily this way)