Medium staying wet for too long?

What is a troll exactly and what does OP mean? This damn forum talk is confusing.
Bro I used to love trying to figure out what all the different forums lingo meant. I still am figuring it out. Troll is someone who comes to a thread just to cause trouble. Op is original poster. Or something very close to that. It's the person that made the post.

Sorry op I don't have any advice, I've never grown in coco. But 2 weeks seems a crazy long time with that much perlite in the medium. Your plants look healthy though.
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Yeah definitely looks like a good amount of perlite. Although the plant is still small I don’t think it’d still be wet. Are you sure it still feels heavy? If you stick a finger down in the pot is it damp?

Regardless it looks healthy and happy. GL

yeah it's mostly just perlite on the top inch or so, not intentionally, it just floated up there when watering. the mixture below is still fairly wet. It weighs slightly less than another pot I have filled and saturated ready for a different seedling, though I will likely hold off on that and use a solo cup this go.