Well-Known Member
PLEASE EXPLAIN.... cause your the only one I've heard of so far that switched back to previous nutes...
Its no biggy. I used their products years before Mega was around. And never had any issues.
Last year I was made aware of their Megacrop product. It claimed to be an AIO nute to be used from start to finish. No need to add Si, clamag, acids etc. That this product had it all. Within a week of buying some they changed their formula. Stating this new formula had added, I think N and mg. idr,. (This would explain why they sent me some calmg with my order) Because they knew it wasn't an AIO and did in fact need added things to bring the ratios in line. And at that time the new formula came with a new price too. Like 25% higher. And now I see they are going to change it again!?
Also, The fact that my order was the old formula right before they changed it, I was sent a bag of powder. Which must have been the bottom of one of the last batches of the old stuff. I can't even measure this stuff out indoors cause it blankets everything in the area with a fine brown, shit smelling powder.
Now listen, I know that there are so many variables when it comes to growing and nothing is an all-in-one. You'll mostly always have to add something to plants that may have different needs. I get that...
They went from being a company that sold the same formulas as the 'big guys' at a fraction of the price to a company that flip -flops all over the place.
It just crappy business practice, to me. I just went back to using what I was using before. I figure if I'm going to mix up multiple nutes I'll do so using something that's much cleaner, with zero dust and that has been tested and proven.