so, are you saying any women who is married to a wealthy man is a whore? Do you think before you speak?
NO, he doesn't.
so, are you saying any women who is married to a wealthy man is a whore? Do you think before you speak?
so, are you saying any women who is married to a wealthy man is a whore? Do you think before you speak?
are you saying a european model married trump for his good looks?
she met him in 1995 when she was working as a whore. he paid her for sex repeatedly while he was married to marla maples. then he staged a fake "meet" in 1998, so it wouldn't look like he was marrying a whore, which he did.
melania is biding her time, plagiarizing speeches, cucking trump daily, and waiting for him to die so she can inherit what little money he actually has.
Sounds familiar. By the way how is the wife these days?
pretty good. getting over another miscarriage.
Does she blame you? Do you take the blame? Do you help her through it all or are you to busy winning on the internet? You seem like a really shitty husband. Show her some respect. Loser.
why would we blame each other? miscarrying during the first pregnancy is a 1 in 4 shot. happens a lot.
sounds like you are projecting a lot.
and he kisses sweaty man feet,nuff said about his royal pervnessShit the Pope is corrupt as fuck ain't nothing clean about the Pope they harbor child molesters and all.
I keep my wife's personal life private. I have class like that.
You've claimed 3 miscarriages now. Show her some respect, loser.
your wife had to beg for money on the internet because of you. and now you are risking her having to do that all over again.
now that's classy.
how many dudes do you think she banged while you were away?
Dude sorry to hear.pretty good. getting over another miscarriage.
Dude sorry to hear.
I guess you celebrate his wife miscarriage. Jail has really changed you for the worst...or were you always this wayWhy are you sorry? Did you even read the thread? Are you trying to act concerned because you feel it will make you look better? How can you be sorry when he doesn't even care himself? He's using his wife's misfortune as ammo in an internet argument. The dude is shallow. But you're "sorry", so it's cool.
I guess you celebrate his wife miscarriage. Jail has really changed you for the worst...or were you always this way
Usual lame bs the author doesn't exist, it's a hit piece out of the brain damaged Nilary camp. It would seal my vote for trump if he has managed to save a woman from degradation, good for them.
you ask about his wife for what reason ? To hear his misfortune again!!!I called Buck a "loser" for bringing his wife's misfortune into a political debate and you accuse me of "celebrating". Are you really that dimwitted or are you just making up shit so you can be a hater?
Yes it is obvious he is full of hate, must have had a tough life being dimwitBuck hates women. He makes no attempt to hide it.
you ask about his wife for what reason ? To hear his misfortune again!!!
I say I'm sorry to hear about his misfortune and you tell me to not say I'm sorry to hear about it. WTF
Dude get it together.