Mellow´s Tricolore Of Kolors

8 Ladies in total,

Strain list;

2 x 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 - Swami Seeds

1 x Rem Dom - Freedom of Seeds

1 x Gorilla Ryder(Auto) - Freedom of Seeds

1 x Ketama Xaoen(Fem) - World of Seeds

1 x Rem Dom x Skunk Tosis x Jamaican Dream - Mellow´s Collection

1 x 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Gorilla Glue, 1 plant - Mellow´s Collection

1 x 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Godberry, 1 plant - Mellow´s Collection
Closeups are a bit tricky, all tight packed in the tent but here are some, they all have been fimmed expect for 2, due to size difference in veg.

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Godberry,

Chem 91 x GodBerry.jpg

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Gorilla Glue, center of picture, a very special pheno, that has not been fimmed, sidebranches all very small.

Chem 91 x Gorilla Glue.jpg

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 ,
closeup of the purple pheno.

Purple Chem1.jpg

One more 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 , purple pheno.

Purple Chem2.jpg

Ketama Xaoen(Fem), below in the right corner.


Gorilla Ryder(Auto),
first auto with some success grown, a bit on the small side, almost being smothered by the other girls.


Another angle, with Rem Dom just behind.


And finally the 3 way cross I made last year between Rem Dom x Skunk Tosis x Jamaican Dream.


Have a good weekend people...
Cheers, this tent is 3.3'x3.3'x5.9 feet.

So far I made the following crosses with Swami Seeds;

Skunk Tosis x Blue Orca x 85 RKS

Rem Dom x Skunk Tosis x Blue Orca x 85 RKS

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Blue Orca x 85 RKS

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Godberrry

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Gorilla Glue

Skunk Tosis is from The Nature Farm Genetics.

Rem Dom, is a strain from Freedom of Seeds, supposedly a cross between a male Sweet Tooth and a female The Rem by Sin City Seeds.

Godberry is from Freedom Of Seeds.

Gorilla Glue is from Bulk Seed Bank.

Currently I have a single female 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Blue Orca x 85 RKS at day 21 in flower in another tent 2.3'x2.3'x5.3 feet, leans towards the Blue Orca x 85 RKS female from this cross, will take some pictures tomorrow...
Got some things moved around, basement off limits for some weeks, so another grow in flower will begin shortly, plants already vegging.

Strain list for that upcoming flowering session is;

Slurricane x Kona Gold x Skunk #1
Garlic Breath x Brandywine x Blackberry x Skunk #1
Chocolate Cookies x Garlic Breath x Brandywine
Chocolate Cherry Kush x Garlic Breath x Brandywine
MAC1 x Mimosa
Peanut Butter x Slurricane

Have good weekend people...