The Roman Catholic church has always been corrupt. It was formed to gain political control. It brought pagan rituals and traditions into the fold under the guise of retitling it for jesus or god. They were responsible for the crusades and efforts to suppress private personal worship gatherings.
The pilgrims left england because their leader and the catholic church were actively stamping out "unapproved" forms of worship.
Just sleezy. The catholics are the reason many christians think christmas is about christ and easter is about his ressurection.
TBH I get anxious when I think about how far from biblical christianity these "traditions" are. I will not be telling my daughter that christmas or easter are about christ though I am sure she will hear it from others.
The catholic church single handedly cast a large shadow of doubt into the minds of nonbelievers, with the atrocities they have commited in the "name of god", that God or Christians could be good.
The older I get and the more I learn, the more I realize how many evil forces in the world there are that are actively trying to abuse religion and abuse the natural inclination that man has to rally behind that religion.
Idk..*shakes head*