Melon Gum - Dr Underground. Clones to flower !!!


Well-Known Member
looks nice! clones have got sum good lookin roots on them! keep updating u got a few people following this grow! ima big fan of sativa's and this strain looks pretty sativa dominat, got sum nice thin blades going, keep up that kronic work!

AAAAaaaahhhhh, I feel like the pressure's on !!! Which is why I've done this thread!!! I need people to watch over me so I don't fluff it!!!!

This weed is nice, my friends have copied my Mum and they run quite a few tables. It was so fast and easy to clone.

I put them under the 250W (digital ballast HPS) today but with a distance of about a 90-100cm. I will lower the light 2mw.

I better be careful not to over-water and over feed. So far they haven't had nutes (apart from Rhizotonic). I put Canna soil at the bottom of the 10cm pots, under the seed mix and this fed them til now. New soil - no food - YET !!!

My biggest mistake has been overwatering little clones as I started out with big plants from seed. DON'T LET ME DO IT - PLEASE !!!!!!

Really pleased that you will follow it :)


Well-Known Member
looks nice! clones have got sum good lookin roots on them! keep updating u got a few people following this grow! ima big fan of sativa's and this strain looks pretty sativa dominat, got sum nice thin blades going, keep up that kronic work!
KB, ur PM box is full - u need to delete some messages - ur friends can't mail you !!!


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good. Less is better when it comes to nutes. Let them tell you what they need. When you get that down you can be comfortable putting them on a strict nutrient regimen that works with you. In the last pic of the clones it look one had some leaf edges curling up(tacoing a bit) and that is usually from heat stress which is easily fixed. That is the only thing I see in the least bit wrong though. Looks like your a natural. Keep up the good growing! Subbed and +Rep for you :)

Kb's seeds

Active Member
sorry didnt realize my inbox was full lol i erased sum messages i can get pm now, ya overwatering can be tricky to avoid sometimes espcially if ur growing multiple strains, the easiet way to learn when a plants needs water is the ol timers way, since u have them in seperate container and not in a flood table u can pick up each indivdual container and feel how light it is and pick them up right after u water to feel how heavy they are, il let my clones dry out almost until theyre droopin ive gotten the feel for how light the containers will be when they need water, i know it sounds simple but it is prolly the oldest trick in the book for any good indoor grower growing in containers, even if one dries up to much and droops u can give it water and it will pick itself up hella quick ive seen plants pick themselves back up within 5min of gettin water, way better to deal with and alot easier to fix that than with a overwatered plant, ul prolly need to start giving em sum nutes soon, less is more with liquid nutes as a rule of thumb always feed with half strenght than what the bottle says (so if they say 2tsp u give 1tsp) u gota remeber they care about selling their nutrients not what happens afterward, what wattage lights are u runnin, and how high do ur temps get during the day? it does seem like u have alittle heat stress but that is a easy fix as well, u gota be careful workin in tha growroom in ur bathing suit ul end up with mad tan lines lol believe me i fell asleep in my room one time cause i had a couch in there so i could sit down and take notes if i needed to or jus relax in the room watch the plants, plus at the time my grow room served as my room so i needed something to sleep on and someplace where me and my girl at the time could have sum fun, nothing more romantic that fooling around with a bunch of buds right :blsmoke: but i ended up with sum mad tan lines from the lights lol those light prolly fuckd my skin up more than i know lol anyway keep updating with pics and if u do have any questions i will do my best to help

Kb's seeds

Active Member
just saw u said ur runnin a 250hps right? do u have any inline fans runnin to extract the air outa the room?


Well-Known Member
The window has a shutter that has small cracks in it and the door is wide open, adjacent to the bathroom which has an open window.

They're still on 250W, I lowered the light slightly. They look like they're over the transplant shock and I expect them to rocket in the next few days, some pots feel a bit lighter already.

I've fallen out with my Adwas (digital Ph and also EC). I'm using drops at the moment as I trust them more.

I've got plenty of spare equipment -

ruck fan - noisy as f**K

TT vent wi thermostat 10in - noisy too but i love the thermo - took this down !!

another mini TT with a new carbon filter - 6in I think - works fine and is in use AC but this is the main room.

I'm switching back to Hesi and I will DEFINAtely start with half nutes.

ps - yes, I'll watch the tan lines but if I go in there naked they start spinning round and looking at me !!!!

Kb's seeds

Active Member
sounds like u have pretty good airflow, are u plannin on hookin up a bigger light for flower or staying with the 250? if u hook up a bigger light or another light id get atleast another push fan or stand fan to move the air around more, ive been flowering under two 400 MH lately and i dig the results ive been gettin, i remeber those ph drops lol hella funny was i used to build pools so id have hella ph test strips and drops all the time, i dont worry about ph anymore since ive gone all organic if u keep ur beneficial microbes happy ur all good in organics (there is alot more to organic growing but it would take up this whole message and more for me to type it lol) but anyway how them clones lookin today? and ya i think if u walked into the growroom naked my head would spin around to look too ;-) lol


Well-Known Member
In the main room I've got 600W's and I sometimes start with a 400W on 12:12 or if I'm feeling lazy I just use the 600W from the beginning, raising the light for the first day because in the 18:6 veg I have the 250-400 digital ballast. This is how I'm gonna ramp them up, light-wise.

I have moved my 55w cool/warm fluorescents to another part of the property, they are also on 18:6 and I use them for cloning, seeds and sometimes transplants.

It's getting really hot here now, last night my room only went down to 22 deg. 27 max during lights on. in Fahrenheit that is 70-81 I think ??

I want to use Canna Bio soil but will try it some more outdoors first. It's a lot more expensive, even with my mates rates discount at the store. If I was using a few huge pots on really vegged up plants then I think it would be great.

Before, I would transplant my 15 -20 cm clones and put them on 12:12 the same day (on the perimeter tho), The soil would only be used for a 42-50 days. Now I am vegging a bit in the pot (5L) on 18:6 but not too much that they'll become rootbound.

I'm still aiming for 25 cms on these clones b4 12:12. This is tall for me and very short for many of you. Cutting down to a dozen under a light is big reduction for me so I need the extra veg.

Kb's seeds

Active Member
kool sounds like u got a sweet setup going on, if ur plannin on veggin for alittle longer are u gona top them or train them? if so start now cause when u prune or top a plant u want to wait around 7 to 10 days before switchin em over, there are other good bagged organic soils that arnt too expensive do u get fox farm ocean forest or happy frog potting soil where u are?


Well-Known Member
I've already pruned the lower nodes off as they will not receive light and this will allow more airflow around the stalk (plus insect control, etc).

I am expecting the final height to be no more than 60cms. I'm using 600W.

I have done topping before but usually on seeded plants on longer veg and not fast clones.

I also want them to bush out a bit as they are already Sativa dominant.


Well-Known Member
kool sounds like u got a sweet setup going on, if ur plannin on veggin for alittle longer are u gona top them or train them? if so start now cause when u prune or top a plant u want to wait around 7 to 10 days before switchin em over, there are other good bagged organic soils that arnt too expensive do u get fox farm ocean forest or happy frog potting soil where u are?
We don't have Fox Farm or Happy Frog here. Not in Europe as far as I know??? I think they'll go into the other room in the next few days/ week. We'll have to see !!!!


Well-Known Member
My babies are looking good. I took pics this morning so I will upload them in a while.

They've hit 20 cms and are over the transplant shock. They're bushing out nicely and none of them are touching eachother (!) I have lowered the light (250W HPS - digital) rather than ramp up to 400W s it is hot today and they were already 26 deg C and 54% RH.

One of the clones has an unusual marking down one half of the blade. On 3 leaves. strange, I'll show you later.

They are starting to lighten up but are still way too heavy to think about watering.


Well-Known Member
Check this out !! I can't remember seeing this before. They are all clones from the same Mum.

These are the strange deformed blades on the leaves on one plant.DSC05132.jpgDSC05134.jpgDSC05135.jpgDSC05138.jpg

Any ideas ???

Soon enough they will have to come off!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys !!!

They have hit 23-25 cms so I have put them in the main room under 600W HPS distance 60-70 cms (to be lowered tomorrow).

Spent the morning washing drip trays and cleaning up !! At least I now have space for my next clones (Jamaican Dream) to veg properly.

The pots are lightening up nicely as the clones grow taller. They are still no where near ready for their first watering.


Need to go to the shop round the corner and buy some Hesi later. So I can't give details on the NPK value yet.

My water is RO so I will add a bit of tap water to bring it up from EC 0.0 - EC 0.2. (I also have mono nutes such as Ca, Mg and N but I wanna keep this grow simple - like my first one !)

First dilema guys !!! The instructions on the Hesi fert will say 5 ml/ Litre. Should I start with 1.5 ml - 2 ml or should I check this with my EC meter first as it may be lower than expected. I think ferts are designed mainly for tap water which is around EC 0.45 ???

I can't remember back to last Jan exactly (when I first started indoors) but I think I started with the Hesi with 3 ml / Litre (with larger plants from seed).


Well-Known Member
If this is their first feeding I would go with 1/4 strength nutes and bump it up to 1/2 strength on next feeding and then to full strength on the 3rd. If the bottom and middle fan leaves start to look really dark green back off the nutes a bit. Water with plain RO in between feedings to help flush salt buildups out of the pot. You should be good. Once you "know" your plants they will tell you when they are hungry. When they are so small with limited amount of branches and leaves always use less than the recommended dosage of nutes especially when growing in soil. My big plants don't even like full strength. I'm on like 3/4 strength. I tried full strength a couple feedings ago and a couple leaves clawed on me lol. That half and half leaf was most likely used as a food source for the plant as it was rooting. I wouldn't worry too much about it. They look very nice and healthy though :)


Well-Known Member
If this is their first feeding I would go with 1/4 strength nutes and bump it up to 1/2 strength on next feeding and then to full strength on the 3rd. If the bottom and middle fan leaves start to look really dark green back off the nutes a bit. Water with plain RO in between feedings to help flush salt buildups out of the pot. You should be good. Once you "know" your plants they will tell you when they are hungry. When they are so small with limited amount of branches and leaves always use less than the recommended dosage of nutes especially when growing in soil. My big plants don't even like full strength. I'm on like 3/4 strength. I tried full strength a couple feedings ago and a couple leaves clawed on me lol. That half and half leaf was most likely used as a food source for the plant as it was rooting. I wouldn't worry too much about it. They look very nice and healthy though :)

That's great ! Thanks. Would you recommend watering with a slight run-off (everytime) straight away or should I wait til they get bigger? I know it may take a good few days between the first and second watering.

Kb's seeds

Active Member
Check this out !! I can't remember seeing this before. They are all clones from the same Mum.

These are the strange deformed blades on the leaves on one plant.View attachment 2167226View attachment 2167227View attachment 2167228View attachment 2167229

Any ideas ???

Soon enough they will have to come off!!

lookin good! i cant remeber what its called but i recognize how half of one the blades on the leaves looks kinda nute burned, its not nute burn i dont remeber exactly what its called il have to pull out my horticulture books and do alittle research for ya, but still the little green ladys look sexy cant wait to see them in flower should be sum firepowwa! i dont know much about hesi to be honest with u, ive been growing organic for awhile now but when i used to use synthetics i would use meta-naturals and dyno grow, i know u will wanna start with a lower strength, if it says 5ml then ya id start with 1.5ml or even 1ml and slowly increase, like jpocket said give em filtered water between feeding to avoid salt buildup, always check ur E.C. meter before feeding and write it down so u know how ur plants respond to weaker or stronger nute solution, ur such a lucky ass got the jamaican dream! lookin forward to seeing the jamaican dream too ya know even tho u said ur greenthumb went black i still disagree ur plants are lookin alot better than alota growers in cali i know


Well-Known Member
lookin good! i cant remeber what its called but i recognize how half of one the blades on the leaves looks kinda nute burned, its not nute burn i dont remeber exactly what its called il have to pull out my horticulture books and do alittle research for ya, but still the little green ladys look sexy cant wait to see them in flower should be sum firepowwa! i dont know much about hesi to be honest with u, ive been growing organic for awhile now but when i used to use synthetics i would use meta-naturals and dyno grow, i know u will wanna start with a lower strength, if it says 5ml then ya id start with 1.5ml or even 1ml and slowly increase, like jpocket said give em filtered water between feeding to avoid salt buildup, always check ur E.C. meter before feeding and write it down so u know how ur plants respond to weaker or stronger nute solution, ur such a lucky ass got the jamaican dream! lookin forward to seeing the jamaican dream too ya know even tho u said ur greenthumb went black i still disagree ur plants are lookin alot better than alota growers in cali i know
I've already got some JD clones in the veg pic, they're in white pots, in front of the melon gum. I'm using RO water with an EC 0.0 so if I want to PH it then i have to add a bit of tap water to buffer it. Otherwise I'll be playing the up and down game for hours with the PH tester. I could do EC 0.1 / 100 ppm??

What are meta-naturals & dyna grow? They're feeding off the soil and Canna Rhizotonic. I did 1/2 strength because it's so weak. The transplant mix was EC 0.25-0.3

As for the greenthumb?? We shall have to see if I get it back again. It was all a bit of a surprise to consistently get it wrong with smaller plants and containers.

My friends did a spectacular first grow with MY JD clones under my supervision. They had 9 in a sq M tent, huge 19L pots so I told them to flower at 20-25 cms, they didn't they waited til abt 35cms !!! I told them "you're trying to grow a harvest, not a forest!!" They had light leak and some reverted in week 3. I made them sacrifice them and throw out 4 out of 9 which were effected. This allowed enough time for the remaining 5 to spread out, which they did. They got 280g/M first grow, after sacrificing. It's only supposed to return a yield of 350g/m (in 42 days !!!!) so they were happy !!!

I'll dig out pics. I still have the Mum of that grow.