Well-Known Member

"The problems were the worst in Detroit, where discrepancies meant officials couldn’t recount votes in 392 precincts, or nearly 60 percent. And two-thirds of those precincts had too many votes."

"We found through a subscription with social security administration over 480 thousand dead people on our voter rolls,” Johnson said. “That's never good. Your qualified voter file has to be clean.”

It's just the beginning. Fasten your seat belt.
I read human error as being the most likely reason for the discrepancies.
How does that equate to 800,000 illegals voting?


Well-Known Member
800k illegal voters was reported on washington times and breitbart references them. I did not read about it on breitbart.

Check the news lately. Many states are reporting hundreds of thousands of dead people on voter rolls and 1000s of illegals on voter rolls.

Plus there are the videos of people describing how they bus people from location to location to vote illegally.
Pathetically stupid attention whore.

43% of eligible voters didn't show up, but you alt fact dumb fucks think people who weren't eligible did in massive numbers?

Dead people don't vote. You're like the Yessica of politics now. Congratulations.


Well-Known Member
Pathetically stupid attention whore.

43% of eligible voters didn't show up, but you alt fact dumb fucks think people who weren't eligible did in massive numbers?

Dead people don't vote. You're like the Yessica of politics now. Congratulations.
Sadly, dude, she's devolving into this monstrosity with each passing day, sigh....

Imagine; barely out of high school/her 20s and already willfully devouring propaganda to the point of near-insanity.


Well-Known Member

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That article said nothing about 800,000 illegals voting. Please link to the article in question where you got your information about there being 800,000 illegals that voted in the 2016 election. Did you already forget that you posted that as a fact but have yet to back it up? Don’t worry, I’m here to remind you.
I told you exactly where to find. Washington times. Do a google search you lazy bum! Lol


Well-Known Member
I told you exactly where to find. Washington times. Do a google search you lazy bum! Lol
The Washington times quoted what trump said, not a verifiable fact.
Breitbart said 800,000 and in the same article it was stated that trump extrapolated that number incorrectly from a study. The academics that wrote the study even said his conclusions are false.
It's cute that you call me a lazy bum, I'm sure you feel very satisfied by your life and contribution to society. You don't want to start a name calling match with me dear, I will feel guilt for making you cry.


Well-Known Member
The Washington times quoted what trump said, not a verifiable fact.
Breitbart said 800,000 and in the same article it was stated that trump extrapolated that number incorrectly from a study. The academics that wrote the study even said his conclusions are false.
It's cute that you call me a lazy bum, I'm sure you feel very satisfied by your life and contribution to society. You don't want to start a name calling match with me dear, I will feel guilt for making you cry.
giphy (1).gif


Well-Known Member
@Flaming Pie , Have a read:

"Conspiracy theories often crop up during times of uncertainty and fear: after terrorist strikes, financial crises, high-profile deaths and natural disasters. Past research suggests that if people feel they don’t have control over a situation, they’ll try to make sense of it and find out what happened. “The sense-making leads them to connect dots that aren’t necessarily connected in reality,” van Prooijen says."

I'm sorry you feel you have a lack of control of your life and are desperately trying to make sense of the situation. Try giving back to society instead of constantly trying to take away from it. You'll be a much happier camper that way, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
800k illegal voters was reported on washington times and breitbart references them. I did not read about it on breitbart.

Check the news lately. Many states are reporting hundreds of thousands of dead people on voter rolls and 1000s of illegals on voter rolls.

Plus there are the videos of people describing how they bus people from location to location to vote illegally.
Those videos are fake, Pie.

You finally cite your sources -- WaTimes and BBart. One is a propaganda site for fourth Reich and the other is a rag that sits next to the National Enquirer on grocery store checkout stands. Yet, you fail to refer to the many other sources that refute this BS.

Then this other piece of shit you present as food -- well maybe considering the source for you shit is food -- inaccurate voting rolls as fraud. Clerical record keeping in many counties is out of date, which is not the same as voter fraud. Voter fraud, when it happens at all, more often is committed by right wingers. This fact was established by Bush jr when he launched a 5 year investigation into voter fraud during the last decade.

But you and yours don't care about facts. You care about voter suppression and abortion, which is what your campaign is really all about. You are vile, pie.

The best way to eliminate any chance of voter fraud is to support a national vote by mail bill sponsored by Oregon Senators Wyden and Merkley. It was patterned after vote by mail in Oregon which it works perfectly. There is paper tracking throughout, the count is done in the open with proctors from both sides watching. It has better than 70% support by both Republicans and Democrats, makes voting easy and increases voter turnout.


Well-Known Member

"The problems were the worst in Detroit, where discrepancies meant officials couldn’t recount votes in 392 precincts, or nearly 60 percent. And two-thirds of those precincts had too many votes."
did you just forget to quote the part where the other third of precincts had too few votes, and the discrepancies were literally all within 1-5 votes?

or was that inconvenient for your nazi propaganda campaign, pie?

you have lost it, pie. you are beyond brainwashed.


Well-Known Member
What is this obsession with the alleged 800K illegal voters? How do we know they actually voted? How did they get a personalized ballot, necessary to vote (at least in Calif)? I'm much more concerned about the dead voters, they'd be ghosts and I don't have a proton pack to defend myself