you mean only the muslim countries trump doesnt do business with. just want to make sure you meant that
Oh puhleeease. You don't really believe that garbage do you?

We have leverage over Saudi in numerous ways. If they do not cooperate with safe zones, trump could very easily ban immigration from them too.
The war torn countries full of terrorists also not even Christians are allowed to travel.

Shouldn't you be out protesting?
Donald Trump will save more lives by coordinating the security of the intact states of the middle east. Its a fucking mess right now and people need to step up.

Literal Genocide happening out there and people want to wear pussy hats and cry over the election.
Oh puhleeease. You don't really believe that garbage do you?

We have leverage over Saudi in numerous ways. If they do not cooperate with safe zones, trump could very easily ban immigration from them too.
gee youre dumb.
so the supposed leader of 911.. from egypt. leader of the most brutal act of terror this country has ever seen.. and egypt is exempt. also where isis is heavily recruiting.

stop watching youtube news pie... its turning your brain into oatmeal
Donald Trump will save more lives by coordinating the security of the intact states of the middle east. Its a fucking mess right now and people need to step up.

Literal Genocide happening out there and people want to wear pussy hats and cry over the election.
and we are going to free the shit out of their oil!
The war torn countries full of terrorists also not even Christians are allowed to travel.

Shouldn't you be out protesting?
because im not a trump doesnt make me a crazy liberal. i gotta go back to work soon here. killing time eating lunch until my next job. ive already made over a thousand today. trumps failures arent going to hurt me. its the red welfare states that should be starting to worry
Not a muslim ban. Muslims from other nations are free to come here.

Now that immigration ban is in place, kinks can be ironed out. 90 days to figure out which countries can provide proof of identity for their citizens. Obama admin identified the 7 countries that Trump selected. The ban is temporary (potentially permanent in countries without the ability to verify documents).
You didn't answer my question: do you think his executive order for the ban of people from 7 Muslim countries from entering the United States was executed well?
Donald Trump will save more lives by coordinating the security of the intact states of the middle east. Its a fucking mess right now and people need to step up.

Literal Genocide happening out there and people want to wear pussy hats and cry over the election.
For real they need to stand and fight those whahabi Muslims not tuck tail and run to America giving their countries over to people who want to kill Christians and Jews as well as all other Muslims including every other fucking religion on this earth!

These people need to be stopped not handed land and women they will just breed out and take more land and women. Not to mention majority of the refugees are men who should be fighting.

They want freedom they can fight for it their damn selves not allowed in America getting a thousand dollars a month handed to them a roof over there heads and food stamps. Our welfare Queens have it much worse than that.
Donald Trump will save more lives by coordinating the security of the intact states of the middle east. Its a fucking mess right now and people need to step up.

Literal Genocide happening out there and people want to wear pussy hats and cry over the election.
Good luck with that. You lost all Arab support to fight ISIS yesterday. Anybody that would have helped us now knows that America under Trump does not respect people who help us. We will leave them to their own devices when it matters the most.
gee youre dumb.
so the supposed leader of 911.. from egypt. leader of the most brutal act of terror this country has ever seen.. and egypt is exempt. also where isis is heavily recruiting.

stop watching youtube news pie... its turning your brain into oatmeal
The nations identified by obama admin and Osama Bin Laden was much like the "moderate rebels" of syria. Funded by CIA and Congress.

America has been supporting rebel groups to overthrow governments they dislike since WW2.
Good luck with that. You lost all Arab support to fight ISIS yesterday. Anybody that would have helped us now knows that America under Trump does not respect people who help us. We will leave them to their own devices when it matters the most.
Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq...some nations willing to fight Isis. Saudi will lend support to building safe zones.

Britain has also agreed to support efforts to protect the West from radicals who seek to terrorize and destroy our freedoms.

Islam practiced by these groups of radicals seeks to cause the west to submit to Islamic Law.
They want freedom they can fight for it their damn selves not allowed in America getting a thousand dollars a month handed to them a roof over there heads and food stamps. Our welfare Queens have it much worse than that.
go out and get a better job. if you want to work there is work out there for you. *if you are physically and mentally able* theres a job out there for everyone. people just want to sit around and do the fucking minimum and expect things to go their way. this is the land of opportunity. ive done some terrible fucking shit in my lifetime. i swung back. i never resorted to asking the government or anyone else for money when there is always work out there.
like the illegals. ok deport them if you want to do some serious labor for 8 bucks an hour.
you guys are afraid of muslims and its hilarious.
tell me one thing a muslim personally has done negatively to you.
fuck man... pies in laws are from a country on the ban list i think. its fucking hypocritical and pathetic as fuck she'd be in support of it. all because shes a bitch coward whos afraid of brown people
The nations identified by obama admin and Osama Bin Laden was much like the "moderate rebels" of syria. Funded by CIA and Congress.

America has been supporting rebel groups to overthrow governments they dislike since WW2.
so does that mean they dont exist? i dont get your point.
Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq...some nations willing to fight Isis. Saudi will lend support to building safe zones.

Britain has also agreed to support efforts to protect the West from radicals who seek to terrorize and destroy our freedoms.

Islam practiced by these groups of radicals seeks to cause the west to submit to Islamic Law.
Spoken like a good little drone. When terrorism increases will you admit that this is the wrong way to go or will you climb the mountain of totalitarianism and loudly shout that TRUMP! needs to be given more power and support?

Lol, I already know. You hate free societies. I have seen your type before.
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