I was wondering where on the site do you pay for memberships. I looked but may be overlooking it. I figured if I pay maybe just maybe I will get answers to questions when I ask. Peace!
oh wow? just seems like if the free answers here arent good enough you could go to another forum. so what does this payment entitle you to that others do not get?
oh wow? just seems like if the free answers here arent good enough you could go to another forum. so what does this payment entitle you to that others do not get?
Monthy Drawings for prizes.... Thats right no more contests to try and win!
Monthly SpeakerThis will either happen in live chat or within your private access forum where you can post questions for this months guest speaker and he/she will respondName Damien IndustriesAddress 234, 5149 Country Hills Blvd N.W
Suite # 306 Calgary, Alberta T3A 5K8, Canada You may also pay with credit card Elite Subscriptions
Well I see a membership list so I figured it was paying members since my name wasnt there. I want to pay so that I get a better response to my questions. I figure there has to be some sort of click. Also if you notice on the forums page there are some forums we cant go to because we are not members.
that is because they are not offering elite membership at this time and no word on wen they will ask a mod maybe they know more about if they will again
damn, that's quite the list. I came into this a doubter and here I am considering becoming an "elite roller". lol the elite rollers society. haha sounds like a bunch of pimps taking over the world. lol the stoner's stonecutters