Memorial Day is bullshit

The OP's point is that the very real sacrifice of men who have fought and died in many wars has been hijacked by chicken hawks and profiteers. I agree with this.

Those writing rebuttals against his viewpoint say that those who fought and lost their lives are heroes. I agree.

Now, let us both come together and hold our elected officials accountable for the atrocities they commit in the name of our fallen heroes. This is the BEST way to truly honor them- and try to save more from joining them unnecessarily.
Good post

I admit, it irks me when I hear someone criticize me for criticizing the military industrial complex by saying "they died for your freedoms". That's nothing but bullshit rhetoric to sell bumper stickers and make people feel good. If they knew the reality of what war actually was those people wouldn't send kids to die in foreign lands how nonchalantly they do today. If a vote to go to war actually meant you yourself pick up a rifle and march, we wouldn't have been in a war in over half a century
Good post

I admit, it irks me when I hear someone criticize me for criticizing the military industrial complex by saying "they died for your freedoms". That's nothing but bullshit rhetoric to sell bumper stickers and make people feel good. If they knew the reality of what war actually was those people wouldn't send kids to die in foreign lands how nonchalantly they do today. If a vote to go to war actually meant you yourself pick up a rifle and march, we wouldn't have been in a war in over half a century

I believe that those who vote to send men to war must join them.

The definition of war - when a couple rich assholes can't get along, they declare war. What is war? The act of sending a couple thousand of your own people to senselessly kill each other in the most barbaric and inhumane ways ever concieved.

Because that's the only solution in the minds of the 1%. Solving problems logically and without death isn't in their list of options. When you are given a certain amount of power, you become corrupt in the head. You like to "flex" this power and show off.

It's that alpha male complex that's been around since the beginning of mankind.

The bottom line is this - our governments don't give a FUCK about us. Never have, and never will. Just look at our history. War after war, millions of pointless deaths, and for what? What purpose? While we kill each other every day, these rich cock suckers in their fancy suits are sitting back, sipping on wine.

But humans are too stupid to see this obvious scheme. War is an invention of government, and as long as government continues to exist, war will continue. Deaths will rise, and the earth will burn.

This video should be proof enough. Millions of innocent people, incinerated in an instant. But you think these evil sons of bitches still care about us?

It's all about showing off their power and wealth. That's all these mother fuckers care about.

Nobody should ever have that much power. Humans should be equal. No higher or lower.

When you give somebody this much power, this is and always will be the end result. Burning cities, and charred bodies.

Wake up humans. Your leaders are the true enemies

I love and respect the American soldiers who died while representing our country. And fuck any American citizen who doesn't.

Now we return you to your regularly scheduled program...
Do you at least understand how this perspective could be harmful?

Blind nationalism

I'm pretty sure the German citizens felt the same way in 1935.. So how bout we hold soldiers individually accountable and quit with the "support the troops" bullshit? I would hope the citizens of my country felt the same way if I were a soldier

Blind nationalism hurts the soldier the most
Without the brave men and women who fought and died in WWII, you would be a slave of some Japanese or Nazi overlord. What you take for granted was paid for in blood.

Actually it was the Soviet Army that crushed Germany. By the time Normandy happened the Russians had applied an ass whupping to the Germans.

The Japanese never wanted to and never could have invaded the North American continent.

Your fears are unfounded.
Fair enough. That said, ya could have been a tad more respectful when speaking to someone who lost his son in battle.

That's horrible to lose a son, but people on all sides lose sons in battle and it will only stop when people stop obeying senseless orders to kill people they don't know. Most American deaths in wars are because people bought a lie.
Actually it was the Soviet Army that crushed Germany. By the time Normandy happened the Russians had applied an ass whupping to the Germans.

The Japanese never wanted to and never could have invaded the North American continent.

Your fears are unfounded.
The Japanese had a fifth column in Hawaii that participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor, they invaded Alaska and held some islands, so you are factually wrong. They clearly did both want and partially acheive their goal.
That's horrible to lose a son, but people on all sides lose sons in battle and it will only stop when people stop obeying senseless orders to kill people they don't know. Most American deaths in wars are because people bought a lie.
The most American deaths by far was the civil war. Was that a lie?
Actually it was the Soviet Army that crushed Germany. By the time Normandy happened the Russians had applied an ass whupping to the Germans.

The Japanese never wanted to and never could have invaded the North American continent.

Your fears are unfounded.
Russia had yet to push Germany back across their border. We delayed entering Berlin so the Russians could catch up and share in the conqwest of the Nazis.
The Japanese had a fifth column in Hawaii that participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor, they invaded Alaska and held some islands, so you are factually wrong. They clearly did both want and partially acheive their goal.

The feasibility of an attack on the United States by Imperial Japan was considered negligible, with Japan possessing neither the manpower or logistical ability to successfully mount a full-scale invasion of the U.S. Minoru Genda of the Imperial Japanese Navy advocated invading Hawaii after attacking Pearl Harbor, believing that his country could use Hawaii as a base to threaten the mainland United States, and perhaps as a negotiating tool for ending the war. The American public in the first months after the attack on Pearl Harbor feared a Japanese landing in California and reacted with alarm to a rumored raid in the Battle of Los Angeles.

During the war, Japan successfully occupied, but later withdrew from, the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. Japan also conducted air attacks through the use of fire balloons. Six American civilians were killed in such attacks; Japan also launched two manned air attacks on Oregon (the only time in the war that mainland America was bombed by enemy aircraft) as well as two incidents of Japanese submarines shelling the American mainland."

Whatever Red says you can be sure of the opposite. Never seen such an opposition to reality before him..
The Japanese had a fifth column in Hawaii that participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor, they invaded Alaska and held some islands, so you are factually wrong. They clearly did both want and partially acheive their goal.

I take it you concede the Russians whupped Germany?

Hawaii ain't North America.

If the Japanese held some unoccupied rocks off Alaska, technically I am wrong. My point should have been clearer, Japan had no chance of conquering and holding, much less invading the mainland of the continent and in particular the USA.
Russia had yet to push Germany back across their border. We delayed entering Berlin so the Russians could catch up and share in the conqwest of the Nazis.

Russia had wiped out the German army on the eastern front.

The following is an excerpt from an article by Eric Margolis, which seems pretty accurate to support my assertion -

The reason Germany had no air cover at Normandy was because most of the once potent Luftwaffe had been destroyed on the Eastern Front, its best pilots killed, and aviation fuel scarce. Germany’s advanced ME262 jet fighter that should have swept the skies was grounded because of fuel shortages.

Had Germany’s Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe not been largely destroyed in Russia, the Normandy D-Day invasion would likely have been pushed into the Channel. Britain may have been invaded well before June, 1944. Hitler’s foolish notion that Germany and the British Empire should be allies saved the beaten British Army in France in 1940, allowing it to escape across the Channel while leaving its French allies in the lurch.

By the time the Allies established themselves in France, they outnumbered degraded German forces by 2:1. At least 67,000 German soldiers died in the Normandy operation. In a heartbreaking but little-known statistic of war, 6.7 million German horses were killed on both fronts.

Soviet Ukraine bore the brunt of the war, losing some 5 million soldiers and 6 million civilians – roughly half of total Soviet losses.
Do you at least understand how this perspective could be harmful?

Blind nationalism

I'm pretty sure the German citizens felt the same way in 1935.. So how bout we hold soldiers individually accountable and quit with the "support the troops" bullshit? I would hope the citizens of my country felt the same way if I were a soldier

Blind nationalism hurts the soldier the most

I understand your point. And you're right. Blind nationalism is mostly bad.

But I don't consider my nationalism "blind". It's carefully considered, in the hopes of the USA helping human rights worldwide.
Russia had wiped out the German army on the eastern front.

The following is an excerpt from an article by Eric Margolis, which seems pretty accurate to support my assertion -

The reason Germany had no air cover at Normandy was because most of the once potent Luftwaffe had been destroyed on the Eastern Front, its best pilots killed, and aviation fuel scarce. Germany’s advanced ME262 jet fighter that should have swept the skies was grounded because of fuel shortages.

Had Germany’s Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe not been largely destroyed in Russia, the Normandy D-Day invasion would likely have been pushed into the Channel. Britain may have been invaded well before June, 1944. Hitler’s foolish notion that Germany and the British Empire should be allies saved the beaten British Army in France in 1940, allowing it to escape across the Channel while leaving its French allies in the lurch.

By the time the Allies established themselves in France, they outnumbered degraded German forces by 2:1. At least 67,000 German soldiers died in the Normandy operation. In a heartbreaking but little-known statistic of war, 6.7 million German horses were killed on both fronts.

Soviet Ukraine bore the brunt of the war, losing some 5 million soldiers and 6 million civilians – roughly half of total Soviet losses.
Soviet Ukraine did not exist until after the war. Stalin is estimated to have purposely starved 40-60 million of his own people. I never claimed Russia had no part in the war, just that the rest of the Allies played a part. Your assertion seemed to be Russia did it all alone.
I understand your point. And you're right. Blind nationalism is mostly bad.

But I don't consider my nationalism "blind". It's carefully considered, in the hopes of the USA helping human rights worldwide.
I hold the same hope, but I'm under no delusion that that's the case. The imperialistic nature of American foreign policy is overwhelmingly harmful to the rest of the world, and by association, harmful to our national defense (see Israel)
Soviet Ukraine did not exist until after the war. Stalin is estimated to have purposely starved 40-60 million of his own people. I never claimed Russia had no part in the war, just that the rest of the Allies played a part. Your assertion seemed to be Russia did it all alone.

Fair enough. However my assertion was mainly that I do not celebrate war or its memory or the participants. I should have been more precise.

Although the Russians did kick the Germans ass and the Japanese were never going to come to America and make you watch Godzilla movies endlessly. Long, long ago, I lived on an island where Japanese soldiers still hid out after the end of WW II, but that is another story for another time maybe. Please have another slice of cake.