Well-Known Member
If you havent heard about it, you should look into using this substance if you like cocaine and ecstasy. It doesnt mimic cocaine as much as it does ecstasy not im not talking meth/caffeine/aspirin etc pills, im talking just mdma pressed pills with just MDMA in them. It can be insufflated and also consumed orally and most prefer to take it orally. all of the information you need on this substance is on erowid and wikipedia. be safe be responsible and if you look into this, live it PLURR style. I have here a pic of what it looks like and it is also not regulated in the US. im not telling you to take it or try it or anything thats my disclaimer. but as a research chemical, if you choose to, I wont be held responsible. you will be. its used as plant food so they say. try growing pot with it. you can find it online in various locations.