mephedrone (meow) - (mcat)


Well-Known Member
I agree fully with the first part. People always have a drive for more. And then more = better.

The last part, it is not that they think they are super heroes (granted I think it is close), I think that many people do not accept that death is inevitable. I learned to appreciate life and death and understand and fully accept it on
2c-e.. not everyone has this chance.

I will hopefully have some in a short while, in which case, I will fill you in.
Beautifully put!

I don't think I would come out on top when dosing 2c-e! It seems to dark and sinister for me... the reports all seem heady... a cinematic view in your head type of ordeal.

I want some sense of euphoria when tripping, and none of that frantic euphoria either... those are two completely different scenarios in my opinion.

But again, for many they see 2c-e as the omnipotent arbitrator and consider the favorite of all 2cx's!

I might just wander down that road soon ;)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Beautifully put!

I don't think I would come out on top when dosing 2c-e! It seems to dark and sinister for me... the reports all seem heady... a cinematic view in your head type of ordeal.

I want some sense of euphoria when tripping, and none of that frantic euphoria either... those are two completely different scenarios in my opinion.

But again, for many they see 2c-e as the omnipotent arbitrator and consider the favorite of all 2cx's!

I might just wander down that road soon ;)

Simply be mindful:

Know what you are looking for from the experience, the dose should follow closely after. You can always start low to get a taste and then make your decision from there.

Be in good set and setting.

Let it engulf you, fully accept the experience.

It is one of my favorite substances... try it out :-)


Well-Known Member
I thought this website was for people to share information about cannabis. Not legal narcotics that can fuck your life up or kill you :cry:.
Hence the reason its called roll it up...not sniff it up or shoot it up... just my thoughts on the matter

dont judge it till you try it .

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
The mephedrone didn't react kindly with your nose... but the high was epic in your stated words?


...and yes a few have died... but it wasn't considered a tragic death... the deaths occurred from massive abuse of the substance... something that is bound to happen with every sort of drug, that gets extensive, repeated ABUSE!

it tickled my nose, which i why i sneezed lol.
And i just felt very very euphoric, felt like i could do anything, confidence went right up, i was talking more, really came outta my shell ya know.

Felt rough in the morning though, took me a while to wake up properly. Yeah the related deaths were all because they took too much, its gonna get classed soon anyway. Dont know if thats gonna make it an even bigger drug though?


Well-Known Member
Therefore, you're saying that this stuff was good while it lasted. Massive euphoria... how would it compare to ecstasy and cocaine when in relation to euphoria?

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
Felt like id double dropped and they both kicked in at the same time. Felt real friendly, more so than when on pills.

And relation to coke? ermm not sure really, was better than coke thats fer sure! its the sort of drug that you could take with mates then go for a magical wander bongsmilie