mephedrone trip

i recently went on a 5 day meph bender during which i neither slept nor ate and i saw some pretty fucked up shit. i was talking to and could see my friends clear as day but they were never there and when i looked out my bedroom window i could see people climbing up buildings and shit. any similar experiences?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
When did your hallucinations start..? I've had a two day bender with Mephedrone and Weed and didn't experience anything like you have described.
the hallucinations started on the 3rd or 4th day not too sure it started with just small things slightly out of the ordinarey and developed into a full blown trip. thing is i always thought you couldnt hallucinate off meph? and btw morfin56 try and either sleep or eat off mephedrone....its not an easy thing to do


Well-Known Member
He was getting at why would you put your body through a 5 day bender. It's quite easy to sleep once you stopping stuffing meph down your face, it doesn't last all that long. Sleep deprivation will cause all sorts of hallucinations.


Well-Known Member
I've stayed awake for 6 days without the help of drugs. I can't fathom why anyone would want to do that.


Well-Known Member
I did the bath salts ONCE stayed up for 4 days, no eating, and hallucinations. Had the giant roaches crawling all over me. I didn't realize a pin head amount would get you high. We split a gram 2 ways over the course of a couple hours. I don't know how it can be construed as fun.


Well-Known Member
Have never touched the shit, and have no desire to touch it. Same with spice. No thank you; oddly (or perhaps not oddly) enough I feel better taking illegal drugs.


Well-Known Member
damn hows that shit legal in my state you can do a year for weed but you can take these legal chemicals to get high and I thought spice was fucked up that bath salts shit sounds crazy sounds kinda like meth I wouldn't do that shit just cause I like my sleep and then just what that shit does to your body if I wan't a rush I'll buy some coke atleast it wears off so you can sleep


New Member
It's worse then meth IMO.
You can't experiment with this shit safely.
One day you could take X amount and be high but the next day you take the same amount and it triggers something in your mind.
Then the person just snapps, goes demonic and shit, starts bang there head against walls and eating people.

Personally I've experienced this, a few friends came over with some synthetic weed that had an AM analog on it.
I only took 2 HITS and I ended up seeing everything start red shifting and moving away and shit.

All I know is I "came back to life" a few hours later with my friends asking me if I'm alright and freaking out and shit.
One of my buddies was afraid to come near me because he was so scared.

That was about 8 months ago and I will never touch the shit again.
This isn't shit to fuck with!

I think it induces psychosis.


Well-Known Member
I liked mephedrone haha.. Well kinda, Id never buy it again, but I bought two grams once and stayed up for a good 3 days.. I remember it was fun at first, it reminded me of some like 4 hour long lasting cocaine

But then I kept going... and going... and going...........................................
All in all, all of my speed stories are horrid
it was banned in my country about a year back is it still legal in the U.S? there was quite a few deaths from it over here so the government shut down all our head shops.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude where do you live?

Im pretty sure its illegal here, but having no headshops would sure be a bummer haha

How come headshops will sell these terrible shit speeds and not psychedelics? I guess the psychedelics need to be more masked..