Mephisto Genetics

Autos are only worth growing if you are looking for an outdoor harvest during the off season times of year. Buying genetics is a hit and miss game and autos won't give you the hits that photos will.

If you want high quality potent cannabis grow photos > autos

I don’t quite understand people coming to the autoflower forum to trash autoflowers. We know why we’re reading here, right?

As far as growing outdoors, not great advice, at least in my region. I and several of my friends have had poor results growing autos outside in the New England environment this summer. These girls do best with more light than nature can give, around here at least. The minimum I’ve done is 18 hours. I’ve found them much better in controlled indoor environments.

There are lots of good reasons to grow autos. I currently am growing both photos (outdoors) and really enjoy growing and consuming autoflowers. The diversity is an appeal, as much as the lack control and inability to clone is a deterrent.

Potency concerns are a myth. Or at least they’re plenty potent to keep this 40+ year smoker happy and impressed. At some point, how much does a tiny fraction matter, especially when the bud density and other factors are often superior?

There’s room for all tastes.
I do not know why you would say that? when Science has surpassed that old school knowlege .
View attachment 5324690View attachment 5324690View attachment 5324690 Do not know why you say that when the Auto can be geniticaly engineerd to produce more thc than A photo ever has.
First of all you didn't have to post the same screenshot three times. Secondly, that's ONE auto by ONE grower that tested that high ONE time.

I do agree that autoflowers are WAY better than they used to be. However, I still say that if potency is your #1 top goal, as it is for the o.p., then autoflowers aren't the way to go. Yes they're good, yes they're still potent, but are they AS potent as a really strong photoperiod genetic? Still no.

I'm not trashing autos and I'm not telling anyone not to grow them. I'm simply advising to look elsewhere for the purpose of the main goal.
I don’t quite understand people coming to the autoflower forum to trash autoflowers. We know why we’re reading here, right?

As far as growing outdoors, not great advice, at least in my region. I and several of my friends have had poor results growing autos outside in the New England environment this summer. These girls do best with more light than nature can give, around here at least. The minimum I’ve done is 18 hours. I’ve found them much better in controlled indoor environments.

There are lots of good reasons to grow autos. I currently am growing both photos (outdoors) and really enjoy growing and consuming autoflowers. The diversity is an appeal, as much as the lack control and inability to clone is a deterrent.

Potency concerns are a myth. Or at least they’re plenty potent to keep this 40+ year smoker happy and impressed. At some point, how much does a tiny fraction matter, especially when the bud density and other factors are often superior?

There’s room for all tastes.
Advising against autos isn't "trashing" them.
Maybe a strong word, but if your advice is to avoid all together, isn’t that a pretty negative review (I.e. trashing)?
Never said avoid altogether. Do you need me to go quote my own post? --i said I wouldn't advise wasting time on autos if your main goal is potency. Never said avoid altogether. Matter o fact, I do advise growing autos for other various reasons, but I stand by original statement; if your #1 goal is the power of the rip, then you'll want photoperiod plants hands-down. *Notice I didn't even get on the reg train saying any nonsense like fems are less potent.*
I understand the utility of autoflowers outdoors, as you can ensure a harvest comes before the weather turns bad; the only reasonable choice for many outdoor growers.

A genuine question: what is the allure to growing an autoflower indoors?

There's no advantage and several disadvantages as I see it.
Set and forget. Plant seeds, set your lights and fans, and grow. That's it. Never touch a timer ever again. Also they're generally speaking, quicker to harvest.
I understand the utility of autoflowers outdoors, as you can ensure a harvest comes before the weather turns bad; the only reasonable choice for many outdoor growers.

A genuine question: what is the allure to growing an autoflower indoors?

There's no advantage and several disadvantages as I see it.

18+ hours of light from start to finish. Controlled environment for a really fast growing plant. Denser buds than I see on outdoor grows, at least in my climate, which offers a pretty short growing season. Harvest windows fit my schedule really well too.

The really wet summer ruined many outdoor auto harvests round these parts this summer. Lots of mold issues depending on when you planted. I lost one and harvested one early to avoid any more loss. None grew as vibrantly as indoor grows. Similar story from many grower friends.
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Never said avoid altogether. Do you need me to go quote my own post? --i said I wouldn't advise wasting time on autos if your main goal is potency. Never said avoid altogether. Matter o fact, I do advise growing autos for other various reasons, but I stand by original statement; if your #1 goal is the power of the rip, then you'll want photoperiod plants hands-down. *Notice I didn't even get on the reg train saying any nonsense like fems are less potent.*

Cool, no offense meant. I actually didn’t quote you, I quoted Kola. I’m not here to argue, though I don’t mind a good debate.

I do think I’m asking a legit question in a forum where people come to get advice about autos specifically - not to be told there are better options elsewhere. I presume we’ve all read that claim plenty of times by now.

I grow both. My autos are often superior. Maybe a reflection on me, who knows. But these predictions of potency come with the assumption of a perfect grow. Few achieve that. A legitimate debate might be which is easier to grow more effectively, and thus with better potency. I see plenty of photo grows here that look inferior, and others that are amazing. Im looking forward to harvesting my outdoor photos in some weeks. I’ll never try autos outdoor in this envi again.
Cool, no offense meant. I actually didn’t quote you, I quoted Kola. I’m not here to argue, though I don’t mind a good debate.

I do think I’m asking a legit question in a forum where people come to get advice about autos specifically - not to be told there are better options elsewhere. I presume we’ve all read that claim plenty of times by now.

I grow both. My autos are often superior. Maybe a reflection on me, who knows. But these predictions of potency come with the assumption of a perfect grow. Few achieve that. A legitimate debate might be which is easier to grow more effectively, and thus with better potency. I see plenty of photo grows here that look inferior, and others that are amazing. Im looking forward to harvesting my outdoor photos in some weeks. I’ll never try autos outdoor in this envi again.
Oh yeah bro, no offense had or meant. All good.

I actually say what i say about potency, based on IMPERFECT growing conditions which like you said simply, pretty much all home growers have imperfect conditions. In a more perfect setup, I'm certain autos and photos are on a more even keel strength-wise, especially nowadays. Autos are NO slouch and I have my own wild theory about them "possibly" getting you more high overall, but still less stoned than a really strong photoperiod. And my comments here always go back to the original post in this thread: dude's #1 goal is to get knocked on his ass, basically.
I understand the utility of autoflowers outdoors, as you can ensure a harvest comes before the weather turns bad; the only reasonable choice for many outdoor growers.

A genuine question: what is the allure to growing an autoflower indoors?

There's no advantage and several disadvantages as I see it.

Biggest advantage for me is not having to use a 2kw space heater in the winter during the lights off phase. Saves a fair bit. I use a CMH for radiant heat.

Second is probably quick to harvest, mine range from 70-90 days from seed with the odd exception. Got 2.2lb from a 4x4 with 6 autos recently so yield ain’t an issue.

Thirdly it ain’t legal where I’m based/ like to vacate so I don’t run clones. So it’s always a gamble running from seed even with photoperiods.

Lastly I really enjoy the high off them. They all vary due to their genetics. Can get some real strong ones too. Rocbud Slurricane is damn potent if u are ever curious.

Also the effect of weed is very much down to your tolerance. Have a break and even a mild bud can feel overwhelming!
I do not know why you would say that? when Science has surpassed that old school knowlege .
View attachment 5324690View attachment 5324690View attachment 5324690 Do not know why you say that when the Auto can be geniticaly engineerd to produce more thc than A photo ever has.
It's because these growers don't have the skills to get them to produce more than an oz. When they mess up their photos, they'll just chop it in half and let it re-grow before flowering and it's no harm, no foul.
I don't want to get knocked on my ass actually. Yes potency is a factor for me. I don't smoke recreationally, I smoke for pain relief because the next step up with prescription meds would be morphine. If I use that my driver's licence will be revoked and I'll lose my independence. I've found CBD lackluster, and so I started getting THC based flower from a clinic but eventually realised that the quality was poor and the prices were and still are unbelievably high. So I started growing. All I wanted to know what people's personal experience with Mephisto was .. This is because a seedbank has finally made their range available to me. I have not had access to very good genetics because of where I live. I posted in this autoflower sub forum for advice about auto's. The tone of a couple of comments here unfairly represents what I originally posted and has been taken out of context. I just wanted to promote healthy discussion. Thankyou to those who have contributed. I am going with both stompers from Mephisto.
but I stand by original statement; if your #1 goal is the power of the rip, then you'll want photoperiod plants hands-down.
Not sure that's really fair to say. When you look at trust worthy breeders and their strains it tells you the approximate THC %. If you want 25% + THC then you just buy a auto strain that corresponds with what % you would like. High TCH #'s isn't exclusive to photoperiod. I have no idea what the highest THC strain is out there and if it's auto or photo, but unless your goal is to grow what ever that #1 THC strain is, it doesn't matter auto or photo.
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I smoke for pain relief because the next step up with prescription meds would be morphine.
I've spent years specifically growing a variety of strains to find what works for pain relief for my wife. At the time she had never smoked before but we didn't want to jump on board with the meds the doctors wanted to prescribe. Auto's seemed like the best choice for us because the ease of trying as many strains as possible in the shortest time period. We've done a few mephisto but haven't hit on one that makes the top 5 for pain relief, but they do make my top 5 for growing. So far blueberry and blue berry X's seem to work really well for her. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but I've read a lot of stories stating they had similar experience with blueberry. Maybe it's a strain you might want to look into. I think mephisto has a blue X in their line up that we haven't had a chance to try. She's also likes CBD/TCH combo's. One that has worked well for her is Dinafems (rip) OG kush CBD. Cheese strains seem to do well too. However, with all the strains we have tried, high THC has never really proven to be any more effective for pain relief. She tells me it's more of a distraction from the pain rather than relief.

(edit) I saw you have access to fastbuds, Purple lemonade was a strain she finds to be helpful.
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very interesting topic autos, I understand those who are against because rudelaris has been used in these crosses at some point for its stability and short life cycle makes ruderalis versatile and attractive to breeders who want to take advantage of its autoflowering trait. However, original landraces of Ruderalis contain very low or no THC levels. Naturally, ruderalis strains are rich in CBD.
It takes a lot of work to combat such a high level of CBD, regardless of the elite cut that we place in it in females and that's what our friend wanted to say regarding the power of Auto.
I agree that everyone is going to have their own unique experience, and use for a variety of reasons. Finding the golden ticket has been difficult. When I meant potency It was more that my Strawberry Banana grow from Fastbuds has been the best so far and that strain is basically a 50/50 indica/ sativa hybrid which in retrospect does not make much sense as I was hunting the body stone for relief. I was given the seeds. I tried several strains with heavy indica dominance and those did not work near aswell. So there you go. The only 1:1 I tried was from Herbies. It didn't provide any relief. Human error and experience is going to be a factor in raising potency, and bringing out different cannabinoids. I am by no means experienced . But I am an ambassador for the plant now I know what it can do. Mephisto is an experiment and I will be sure to create an updated thread on the grow once completed and give my thoughts from a medical perspective in the hope that it may help others sitting on the fence.
Mephisto is an experiment and I will be sure to create an updated thread on the grow once completed and give my thoughts from a medical perspective in the hope that it may help others sitting on the fence.
Hit me up with a tag when you do.
I agree that everyone is going to have their own unique experience, and use for a variety of reasons. Finding the golden ticket has been difficult. When I meant potency It was more that my Strawberry Banana grow from Fastbuds has been the best so far and that strain is basically a 50/50 indica/ sativa hybrid which in retrospect does not make much sense as I was hunting the body stone for relief. I was given the seeds. I tried several strains with heavy indica dominance and those did not work near aswell. So there you go. The only 1:1 I tried was from Herbies. It didn't provide any relief. Human error and experience is going to be a factor in raising potency, and bringing out different cannabinoids. I am by no means experienced . But I am an ambassador for the plant now I know what it can do. Mephisto is an experiment and I will be sure to create an updated thread on the grow once completed and give my thoughts from a medical perspective in the hope that it may help others sitting on the fence.

"I agree that everyone is going to have their own unique experience, and use for a variety of reasons. Finding the golden ticket has been difficult"

So true! I've been growing auto flowers for years and have tried many. For me, I have specific purposes for various strains. I've found some that are really motivating and aid in creativity (not all were sativa dominant). I've experimented with numerous CBD/THC strains for pain and less intense highs. Finally, have found some that help me truly relax without too much couch lock. Seldom have I found one that combines all three. However, I got the following strain as a bulk seed freebie. I later found out that it was from Growers Choice. It's a Kush that I would definitely grow again. Here's a link to the strain if you're interest.

Hindu Kush Autoflower | Hindu Kush Seeds Growers Choice Seeds

I wish you well in your search.

Crystal Meth from FastBuds is an excellent strain too