Merchant's Closet Perpetual Hydro


Well-Known Member
I wish i could live in there :D.. Looks great man. Looks like your taking the jungle route. Your going to have so much bud. :leaf: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
It's been awhile and it's smelling very sweet over here.

Almost to six weeks of flower for four of these girls, not quite there yet though. Had the giant purple mamba get root rot while I was out of town for the Holiday, unfortunate but I think she will make a comeback.


Pineapple Kush on Left, Purple Nice Guy on Right

Purple Nice Guy

Pineapple Kush

Purple Mamba - On the road to recovery.

Overall Closet



Well-Known Member
gorgeous plants bro!!!!!!! very,very awesome photography work also!!!!!! they ALL look fantastic!!!! is that purple nice guy a double headed bud? or just two buds very close?


Well-Known Member
It's a supercropped limb that grew a double headed bud! It's pretty cool I figured I had to get a picture of it. Thanks for the nice words I'm hoping in another month they really get fat, the purples are already falling over and had to be tied up.


Well-Known Member
awesome!!! I tried to fim one of my girls late in veg and now she is growing a double headed bud as well!!! it will be cool to see ours grow up together!!!!


Well-Known Member
I typed up a badass journal update. Then clicked on a picture and I lost it all. So this is what's going up. hah.



Well-Known Member
that sucks man!! but WOW your plants look fantastic!!!! they sure are liking the love you give them!!!! and this one..... are you freakin kidding me?!?!?!?!!? OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
thanks man, but YOU are the one there doing the growing... NOT me!!!

gotta ask though... do you use cal/mag at all? i notice the rust spots and light color in the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I'm using the GH trio with floranectar and floralicious. That is the Purple Mamba that got root rot while I was out of town for Thanksgiving and I had to cut all of it's roots off. She was looking even worse than she does now. She came back really well though, in just 5 days had grown a huge white root mass again.


Well-Known Member
wooooohoooo!!! now that a harvest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is an awesome sight man!!!!!!!!!! i bet that is one stinky cabinet!!!!!

great work!!!!