Mercury X valley ogs 1000hps veg & flower in coco


Well-Known Member
fuck a motha fucka named tooth ache. on antibiotics percocet and vicoden and my face still hurts. the homie "E" is on the way over to help me water the babies so i think we are just gonna get really high until i completely forget about my tooth. lol. my shit is fuckin swollen as a mofo.


Well-Known Member
I asked for them to stop giving me my pain meds lol hahahaha then this bs starts happening hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha and they give me tramadol lol ya right ?????????


Well-Known Member
am so paranoid of pharmaceutical drugs .... i bet they gonna fuck up sativex too and fill it full of other thit that you don't need


Well-Known Member
eh. i think the antibiotics are helping. not hurting as bad just sore as fuck. waiting for the swelling to go down and i should be good as new. the dentist wont even touch it till the infection is gone. :(


Well-Known Member
shutting down everything. power has become an issue at my house and cant afford it anymore. :( ill still post and bullshit with u guys tho.


Well-Known Member
a few of the babies. :) sour og, skywalker, PLP, red kush, and the cougar kush. all ballin ass genetics. :) this was taken at week 4 they r about 5 and a half now. bc99 came over and took a few pics today while we smoked hash bowls. so hopefully he will get his post on in a bit. my camera died and i have no charger for it. :/


Active Member
im sure they r all very nice it looks like it! i will have to get caught up with your grow after the weekend, bout to take off for the lake of the ozarks and ten kegs :eyesmoke: have a good one wheels thanks for the update


Well-Known Member
get my smoke on. gives me variety for a few months. i smoked a lot before i grew. now i just smoke a shit ton. lmao.