meridan13's bagseed grow volume 2!


Active Member
New pics finally!

Things are really going great since I've last updated pics. Its going on 4 weeks and 2 days of 24 hour veg. I've been away for the past 2 weeks so no updates and they were punished badly. But overall they grew tall and healthy. My friend watered them 2-3 times over that time period. And introduced ferts to them. MG at 1/2 strength.

Pic 1 is my setup and the overall room. Really filling nicely.
Pic 2-4 is Michelle. She was supercropped.
Pic 5&6 is Susie I'm LSTing this one.
Pic 7 is Cecilia She was topped and is very very indica.

So far I have about 8 bud sites on Michelle dimensions are 8in tall and canopy is 16inx15in

Probably about 4 bud sites on Susie and her dimensions are 11in tall and canopy of 14inx13in

Cecilia is very small and compact the leaves are broad shaped and the two main budsites arelooking great. Planning on starting 12/12 when I get my new room setup.:hump:

I started tieing down Susie today after the pics were taken and also added some more soil to top them all off. Susie needed some pruning to add more soil so I took off the bottom fan leaves and the bottom shoots. They are currently in a cup of water with a pinch of rooting soil. I'm trying alot of new techniques in order to see if something works for me. Different stroked for different folks i guess...

Got some new equipment for my new room so things are going to be great when I get the time to set it up. Some cpu fans will be added for exhaust and intake.

Any comments are grealty appreciated. LEt me know how they look.


Active Member
looking very nice indeed however for the second grow in a row, my indica was a male! pollen sacks began to form yesterday. i think im going to harvest some pollen from this one.


Well-Known Member
Dam! fucking bastard lol but what you gonna do with the pollen, cross some strains or get some seeds?


Active Member
i definitely want to just get some seeds. i'll probably pollinate one cola for some seeds see how that goes. I dont know either of my strains but im sure they will be good. they r all looking really healthy


Well-Known Member
hell yea man plants are lookin good! like your setup as well!!!!! yea u should take sum pollin from that indica male i have been wantin sum pollin maybe we could make a trade :) keep up the good work


Active Member
everything is looking good. i gave them another watering. the male is stretching so much and so r the side tops on the other two. looking real bushy. i believe michelle is a female but still no confirmation. ill update pics later this week.


Active Member
some measurements to compare. Here they are. Cecil aka cecilia's male version is 16.5x14x14 It has been stretching a lot so far and i took all lights off of it as of now. It is still in the flowering room though as it is slowly maturing. I will be trying to harvest some pollen from him. Very strong tight node spacing and lush green indica that has smelled great all the way through veg so id like to pollinate with his semen!

Susie is 13x21x18 With something along the lines of 8 tops.

Michelle is 14.5x20x19
all in inches.
The two clones are rooting and growing now. #1 is 7in #2 is 9in They are both cut off susie, so fingers crossed. I was thinking of taking a few lower shoot cuttings of michelle. but ill wait till they are sexed and take them early in flowering if need be.

I topped one of susie's off shoot tops and i found weird black stuff coming from it. I was curious as to what this was. any one have any clue why a 6day into 12/12 plant that just recently got fed 100% nutes has black stuff coming from the shoot. Let me know.

Stay up


Active Member
No one likes this grow huh. any comments on how im doing it?

im about to go get another light, the 2 unsexed plants are getting huge! lookin like big bonsai trees! and michelle has 11 tops!!!


Well-Known Member
No one likes this grow huh. any comments on how im doing it?

im about to go get another light, the 2 unsexed plants are getting huge! lookin like big bonsai trees! and michelle has 11 tops!!!
all sounds good man cant wait to see sum more pics keep up the good work:weed:


Active Member
Pics to come but some updates now. Michelle is getting huge. looks wayyyyy bigger than Susie. 23in x 26in x 22in. are the measurments . H x W x L. There are like 13 tops now. its looking like a straight up bonzai. Susie is 19in x 20in x 20in. The two clones are shooting up. They went from 7 cms to 8 inches! both are equal in height and are looking very healthy including the roots. I will definitely be trying the same cloning technique again.

My light set up is updated. Ill do my best to give the schematics. Right now i have 3 42 watt SW 2 26w daylight for side lighting and 4 23 watt SW Total=273 watts!!! They are all hung from the top using y splitters. like this...

o ^ ^ o
^ ^ ^

So 4 lights on one side and 3 on the other. The two o's are the side lights in desk lamps. They are about 2 inches or less away from the girls and have to be moved up almost everyday. Some burning has occured when I didnt pay any attention to the lights for a day or so. But they are doing great now 2 weeks into 12/12 Susie still hasn't shown her pussy hairs but its only a matter of time i'm sure. I am the ganja farmer and i love this process! I feel like ill be doing this for a loooong time.

They all got 200% bloom booster nutes today, almost a full gallon. And I hung a blanket on the inside of my closet to keep light leaks to the outside to a minimum. Now you can barely tell theres lights on. But i was a little weirded out when I had some girls in my room so I felt like I needed to do something about that. Temps stay around 75-85 F all day so no worries there. Pics will be taken soon hopefully if my buddy will come over with his canon.

Stay tuned and as always id love some comments/criticism as long as its constructive.


Active Member
Picture Update!

2 weeks and one day into 12/12 and they are both showing calyx's
Here's my new set up.



Clone #1 was transplanted using Shultz potting soil. It seems way more fine than the miracle grow which is more of a mulch compared to this

Roots are looking great on that as well.
Clone #2

Don't have a large pot for it yet so its stuck in that tiny one.

Tell me what ya'll think

and Stay up


Well-Known Member
man those are sum damn good lookin plants u got:) keep up the good work!!!!! yea iam goin to watch this grow!!! subscribe :weed: +REP