merry xmas all, what are your plans?


Well-Known Member
12:06 gmt here, so just turned xmas. i feel soooo shit i havent got anybody any presents really, we've never really done that in our family much. plus i havent sent off my package to a friend in america yet, but hers hasnt arrived for me and will be late too so hey. still, ill most likely be riddled with guilt on xmas. thats what xmas is about, guilt, shame, alcohol, poverty.

does everyone have it all organized and ready?

also ive joined some of the best and put up a macro shot of one of my own buds as an avatar whoop whoop thought the day would never come. looks delicious... i miss it already.. dry xmas incoming


Well-Known Member
I'm going to sleep and take a sleeping pill every time I wake up so I can go back to sleep again.

And once Christmas is over I'll get up and go on with my life.
its just another day, with bells on and more guilt its not as if is used against us all month. work hard cause you need to buy your friends presents or your a scrouge....then the day arrives and hey in 6 days easter will be shoved down our throats with more moralistic crap made by humans who want to pay the bills to buy more cool shit to show off to their friends boast their own egos and feel like their status is boring. cause we all know buying a house and nice car with loads of money brings happiness, that why the poeple who have it are so fucking depressive, fuck christmas, fuck easter and any other religious or controlling days. im celebrating solstices, the suns been around longer then marks and sparks. apologies for the rant. best wishes for the corperate session, cause santa is sponsered by coca cola


Well-Known Member
my christmas eve so far has been packing, smoking adding things to clothes and eating. tomorrow we'll see what happeneds.PJ's and a movie for tonight maybe.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well i dont want to go no were dude!!!!! my women is on a mission ,,,, y do i have to go? shit i just want a bowl n some x mas stories n watch t.v. n the new game i got for x box.... shit man i dont want to see family other than my own im as old as my old ladies mom hahahahaha.... do you know how acward that feels!!!!!!! man like i said i cant wait to new year so i can finaly have a beer but i aint mad... i love god.... i love to be in great health... n to have this bowl to smoke :) i happy with just that n my family thats all.... merry x mas.... i dont want nothing... just a smile

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We have about thirty people here right now. I made enchiladas, spanish rice, refritos and fresh flour tortillas. Tomorrow it will be Turkey, Stuffing, chick pea salad, giblet gravy w/ mashed taters, baked ham, pumpkin pie, praline cake and (eventually) heart burn. :p

thump easy

Well-Known Member
lolz im kidding im headed out to my girls family thing ow man i hate wen they ask me what i do for a living... lolz just kidding...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
were in new mexico r u.... i usto go to new mexico, i like pickles the hot ones at the thieter with pop corn i aint seen that done no were but their, n the fight seen is big over thier

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ow shit i went to the four corners with shamrock elight teem with edwin dweez n zac mathews jeff watson n blue edwards you guys had a champ in four corners king of the kage... that was the best feb 9 2009 that was fucken cool at that casino over thier i forgot but ya its kinda lonly out thier isnt it...