mesc on jellies

acid is not scarce,sorry,but its available and thats not in my area..lots of neighboring states,all over actually..but,it has been a tactic in the past to misrepresent it as mescine..i believe duck had a story of a show where there was microdot that was hawked as mecaline and his friends believed it...

anytime i even mention the word microdot everyone starts flipping out about mesc, and i have to politely remind them of their ignorance. and yes rory not scarce at all :)
somewhere is ducks post about black microdots and the dealer telling his friends it was mescaline..he tried to explain to his friends,but they didnt uderstand or believe him..i think he said he kept to himself that trip and did equations in his head all
somewhere is ducks post about black microdots and the dealer telling his friends it was mescaline..he tried to explain to his friends,but they didnt uderstand or believe him..i think he said he kept to himself that trip and did equations in his head all

It was NYE 99-00 at a friend's house and yeah I spent the whole experience contemplating HOMOs (highest occupied molecular orbitals) and being saddened by the ignorance of my peers.
A dose of mesc is at least 200mg and should be 300-400mg to give a full experience. That's not gonna fit on a blotter or a microdot.
I shouldve gone to walmart for my steak the other night...
a new way to weed out the vegans on tour! only lay L on meat!...we tried with jells,they wouldnt touch em..i just gotta say,im high,on my back porch,with a beer,facing the sun..its nice,and i hope everyone is having as good a day as i am:-)