Well-Known Member
So posting this in case anyone has any question and wants to extract their own mescaline, also to prove acetate dosent always turn out brown goop...my procedure was just a straight up a/b extract using acetic acid(5% white vinager), sodium hydroxide, and xylene...pretty simple stuff just cut all my fresh cactus into stars, then cut the stars into 4 pieces and boiled for a couple hours , filtered out the plant matter and boiled again, then combind to 2 boils and reduced to a workable amount of cactus tea..then brought pH down to 4 to defeat and back up to 10 to base then salted the mesc freebase out with the %5 acetic acid....used a lot of cactus to make this, prolly 25-30ish lbs of fresh cut cactus, so far I'm happy with how it's turning out after evaping my first pull, still have a lot more to pull n evap so I'll post again when all scraped up n capd, so far looks like it will turn out a nice off white powder
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