Messed up and left my flowering room light on for almost 24hrs! what should i do?


Well-Known Member
Should I leave them in the dark till tomorrow, then put them back on their regular 12/12 schedule after they spend a day in the dark?. or should I do what I have done, I just cut them off(slid the switch on the timer to timer, instead on On). I know this is going to stress them some, but I want to stress them as little as possible. So what is the best method to use to minimize stress.? I have different strains going in their at different stages of flowering. Right now they are set to come on in 2 hrs, is this the best way to go? Please give me some input, I dont want my plants to start shooting balls. Damn this sucks! I got to get my arduino in there and program it with some relays to keep this from happening. Any help would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it, there's nothing you can do to get the 24 hours back, just put them back on their normal schedule, they'll be fine, call it a cloudy day and move on.
Appreciate the positive words makes me feel a little better.


Well-Known Member
So just to make things crystal clear, you guys are saying that I should not worry about the 24 hours and just go ahead and put it back on its regular schedule, this is it may be four 5 hours of dark before the first 12 on 12 off cycle starts again. That sounds kind of confusing, all I'm trying to make sure is you guys arent inferring that I should leave the lights off for 24 hrs before putting them back on there regular schedule. Thanks again for the input


Well-Known Member
Yes is too late now because the timer is about to cut them back on, its 5. That how I run my 12:12, from 5 to 5


Well-Known Member
So just to make things crystal clear, you guys are saying that I should not worry about the 24 hours and just go ahead and put it back on its regular schedule, this is it may be four 5 hours of dark before the first 12 on 12 off cycle starts again. That sounds kind of confusing, all I'm trying to make sure is you guys arent inferring that I should leave the lights off for 24 hrs before putting them back on there regular schedule. Thanks again for the input
Yeah, that's fine, whether they got 24 or 30 hours of dark isn't going to make a difference one way or another.


Well-Known Member
I would change the light so you plants have a 12hour kip now and keep this cycle till havest

it takes plants a few weeks to start reveging so i can't see one nigh causing too much stress


New Member
So I have a temp flower room set uo while i set up the main room. I put them in the dark for 24 hours to force flower sights then it got one true day flower. Then the light stayed on over 24 hours the following day I notice the flowering sights were dramatically yellow and I corrected the problem (for a day) then breaker flipped for two days now the plants look very weird like monster clones or something how can I get them out of this funk or am I screwed. . . Please help