MetaGrow!!! Lots of Pics!!!!


Well-Known Member
That sucks man! If I was closer I would take a look at it for you.. Good luck on getting it back up and running. I am sure when you do you will update this thread with some more vegging porn. :)


Well-Known Member
Well, turns out my laptop is still under extended warranty, so when I get some free time I'll take it in. Still on The iPod, but eager to get back at it. Might even take some pics of the sick girl, she's starting to stink a little. Until then, stay stoned guys.


Well-Known Member
So, after a sucessful trip to Fry's, I'm back! Turns out my charging cable for the laptop was shot, and after a quick(free) replacement, i'm good as least for the moment. As promised, here are a few pics of the sick girl...She's cool, not doing much either way. Haters, before you post, I know these are some shitty looking buds and it's all good, cause their just the ugly stepchildren. So here's Laverne...condition stable, but scarred for life.


And here's a pic of Shirley, she's pretty much on deaths doorstep, but if these nuglets turn cloudy-amber, she'll make a little BHO. We'll see.


Anywho, here are the little ones. I started LST on Lefty 2 days ago, and so far so good...I think I'm going to let the other one do it's thing au natural for a while, but they're both happy in their new home. I think i'm going to mix up some soil and transplant in the next few days, if I don't do it tomorrow, I don't have another day off till next monday, so it might be a


Anyway, glad I have the laptop back...Was a boring couple of days there.


Well-Known Member
Meta haters cant be haters if they know the whole story. What you have done with those girls is amazing. Heck you should be proud that you kept them going until Your new girls tell the tale of the tape..they are beautiful as a result of your effort. + rep for an awesome job brother!


Well-Known Member
Dude! Thanks Arch! If the clones yield a gram or two of smokeable bud it was all worth it. I love growing, and thanks to the support from people like you, I love to share my progress. It's hard thinking about my grow all the time and not be able to voice my questions or concerns to those immediately around me. RIU is the shit, and if I couldn't share with you guys, growing wouldn't be as much fun


Well-Known Member
Fuck I love weed! I've been smoking some outdoor I grew in 2010 and i didn't think this one plant was gonna be too potent, but i'm faded! I've been contemplating putting shirley out of her misery, but I want to get some seeds before I do. Gonna transplant the little ones into bigger pots in about a week, and was thinking about throwing them into 12/12 not too long after that, so I'd need to free up some room, seeing as I don't have the light power to flower too many at the moment. Payday is still a week off, so now would be a good time to find a couple bagseeds. My entire outdoor crop yielded no seeds, good deal, but I wouldn't have minded a little pollen drift...I know my neighbors grew some


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but I didn't ask for an opinion, and I don't understand why you are antagonizing me. Are you really trying to pick a fight on RIU? I wish you the best of luck with your grows, and have a nice day, sir!


Well-Known Member
lol he really took the time to come back to YOUR thread and continue an "argument" from 2010 :? Some people on here never cease to amaze me

anyway what soil are you using Meta ?


Well-Known Member
Kelloggs Patio Plus for the babies, Miracle Grow Organic for the clones because it's what I had lying around at the time. Probably a main contributing factor in their demise...But the veggies love the patio plus, and i'm about to put them into some 2.5 gallon pots filled with the stuff, probably mix in about 33% perlite. It drains well by itself though, all those bigass logs in of bigger sticks, but they aren't a problem.


Well-Known Member
So I've neglected making any real updates on the clones, and since I'm thinking about euthanizing Shirley, I figured I'd post a few pics. Sure isn't much to look at. What do you guys think, should I give her a little more time so those trichomes go cloudy/amber? Or do I just do the dirty deed and make way for the new generation?? Not really hurting on bud at the moment, and i already know the clones aren't up to par with my regular smoke. Here's Shirley


And here's Laverne. Still ugly as shit, but I'm gonna let her live because she's a Kushage plant. Or at least let her die a natural death if for some reason she's starts going downhill again. She kept most of her fan leaves during the "accident". Before ya'll post, i don't care what you think is wrong with these clones, because I don't care about them, but thanks for hating anyway!


I need some new seeds, any suggestions? I'm gonna order through Attitude, and would like to avoid FEMmed seeds. Keep 'em green dudes and dudettes!


i might have missed it earlier in the thread but you mentioned buying the new bulbs; I thought 2700Ks were better for flowering as opposed to the 6500K bulbs you got; if the bulbs were the only ones you could get then i understand, but why not buy 2700k

and for bagseed; looks good to me!


Well-Known Member
huh? These clones are in my flowering area, under 2 x 42w 2700k, 4 x 23w 2700k, and 2 x 26w 6500k...So WAY more 2700k...the 6500k's are just in there for mixed spectrum. Maybe you read about me buying new gear for my veg tent.

Having 2 grow areas rocks, i highly suggest it.


Well-Known Member
Id say smack her and smoker her Meta. Pistols are darkening and trichomes usually arent far behind. You did right by her now honor her memory in one nice bit of Just imho.


Well-Known Member
I've decided to let her finish. It might be just me, but the buds seem to have swelled up quite a bit overnight. I mean, i watered yesterday and they soaked that shit up an got all plump. Laverne too, i did a little pruning as well, so that might have something to do with it. I guess they liked their closeups ;) I think i started flowering around december 9th, so it's already almost 5 weeks, and hopefully they'll be early finishers. Besides, i think I wanna give the seedlings a couple more weeks before I flower. After taking a long hard look at them today i decided they should get used to their new pots after i transplant them.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, i'm not really fucking with them. I had fungus gnats a while ago, and don't want to encourage any more bugs to move in. Though I did quarter strength nutes last night, i'm afraid the sugars in the molasses might bring unwanted attention of the pest persuasion. Once these girls are done and I'm ready to move the little ones into flower, I'm gonna do a bleach clean of the grow room and take extra precaution to keep everything sterile like an operating room. Then I'll be feeding with molasses, but this first run with the clones was just an experiment to help calibrate my setup, so they're just gonna do their thing.


Active Member
hey meta quick question you dea with attitude and if so should you get the gaurantee or take the chance without it?im not sure lol its an extra 10bucks and that could be used for another crazy strain