MetaGrow MultiStrain Outdoor 2011 Video Store. No Late Fees!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I took 2 more cuttings today, one white widow, one heavy duty fruity...Hope the HDF turns out female, but I have 7 different strains of cuttings I'm trying to root for mothers...6 confirmed females and the HDF...And here's a little vid of the girls today after I got back from the Doctor's...BTW, Ultrasound came back negative...I'm still gonna see a specialist, but as long as it wasn't bad news, right?! :)


And for my mobile friends...

Poor stretched out girls, haha, damn my backyard light exposure!! Haha, it's all good, they're gonna branch out and I'll have plenty of penetration on my lower nugs due to the spaces out knew this was gonna because this is the same location I grew in last year, but don't write me off yet! I might still pull off a decent little harvest, especially since it's just for me and my lady for personal use!


Well-Known Member
They all look really good dude!!!!! I don't really see any with stretch problems!!! some of them have really tight node structure... the others are well in proportion. The LST is working perfect!! keep up that great work bro!!!!


Well-Known Member
They all look really good dude!!!!! I don't really see any with stretch problems!!! some of them have really tight node structure... the others are well in proportion. The LST is working perfect!! keep up that great work bro!!!!
Right on, dude! I know they're gonna do a lot in the next five weeks, so my job is to keep em happy and wait... Haha, anyway, ditched the LST on the skywalker, and the topped G13 NL auto is actually gonna flower now, no doubting it's lineage now I guess, lol. Looking like I'm gonna get 7 or 8 good plants, and the rest are questionable but will yield something. Anyway, thanks for the kind words!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i think it looks good meta! even if ya did give us the finger there in the video!!! hahaha id like to figur out how to do the video thing.your doin a great job,they all look beautiful my man!


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking great meta! What are those plastic things around the bases of your plants? To help keep pests away? I'm definitely following this.


Well-Known Member
Amazing looking garden brother. Those plants seem to have a really good sense of rhythm. And great news on the negative result, keep'em healthy my friend!!


Well-Known Member
i think it looks good meta! even if ya did give us the finger there in the video!!! hahaha id like to figur out how to do the video thing.your doin a great job,they all look beautiful my man!
Haha, thanks bro, nothing compared to what you got going on in your backyard, some nice plants for sure! Anyway, looking forward to my humble little harvest of hopefully some quality nugs...haha, patience will be rewarded, right?

Looking good Meta! Love how big some of those leaves are! Lush too!
Yeah, I was noticing that today, some of those leaves are looking fat indeed! Makes me wanna roll up a joint with one, then let it dry out for a couple weeks...Leaf-rolled joints and blunts? I guess if it didn't taste like disgusting chlorophyll I'd be down, maybe i'll give it a try some time.

Your plants are looking great meta! What are those plastic things around the bases of your plants? To help keep pests away? I'm definitely following this.
You got it bro, I share my grow area with a cute and cuddly bunny rabbit, who just so happens to have a taste for dank buds. It nibbled on/ate like 6 or 7 seedlings and clones early in the goodness I planted twice as many as I needed! But the screens keep it out, and the pots are too tall for the bunny to get on top of I think. I'm gonna switch 'em out for some 2" x 4" wire mesh soon to help those branches spread out.

Amazing looking garden brother. Those plants seem to have a really good sense of rhythm. And great news on the negative result, keep'em healthy my friend!!
Thanks bro! Trying to keep everythin healthy onmy end, myself included! I'm totally looking forward to the MediCup this weekend...any news on you and your lady joining us for Saturday Dim Sum before the convention? I'm about to email ABM and see if he and his lady are interested. I have grispoon clones in soil, want one? ;) Haha, I know you're not ready to grow, but I'm making one into a mother so I'll have that strain around for a while, not to mention I saved my last Dr.G seed for ya!


Well-Known Member
Went to the MediCup! It was a blast. Homer371 showed me some amazing hospitality, crashed at his pad and we got amazing stoned together. Shout to him and his lady for showing me and my lady a great time! Other than that, I got free seeds, free weed, free nutrients, free pipe, tons of shirts and other shit...A great success! I'm stoked and can't wait for the next one!


Well-Known Member
And the girls are happy, just fed them the other day and I've also been trying out this foliar spray...A 3 part system by "Optic Foliar", so far I think the plants are really digging it! Here ther are doing their thang!


Anyway, still a ways to go but it's just beginning to get interesting. I also changed my indoor setup...I'll take video soon and show it off, freed up a TON of space and have my mother box on the side...hmm...starting to get interesting indeed...


Well-Known Member
Looking good Meta! i see its sunny down south. its been pourin all day up here!
I Hate this crazy weather
soaked my plants :(
but i have good drainage so i should be good as long as it clears up soon...

Anyway everythings looking good meta
i can already see you will be having some monsters
keep it up bro


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking great meta! Can you foliar feed with any nutrient, or only certain kinds? How's the Dr. Grinspoon doing? That strain looks really interesting, I was too scared to try it my first grow lol. Yea this weather is soaking my plants too, I think they're ok though.


Well-Known Member
looking mighty fine, meta. mighty fine. those girls didn't seem to miss you at all! which one is the thin-fingered leaf plant? (dr grinspoon?) . and that big fat leaf at the end is nice. all in all, very healthy looking garden brother. had a blast with you guys at the medcancup, already looking forward to the next one!

p.s. 10 free grapefriuit krush seeds??? that's awesome man, like the cherry on top.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Meta! i see its sunny down south. its been pourin all day up here!
I Hate this crazy weather
soaked my plants :(
but i have good drainage so i should be good as long as it clears up soon...

Anyway everythings looking good meta
i can already see you will be having some monsters
keep it up bro
Right on guys, yeah, weather has been bitching, nothing but heat and sun, hopefully the girls are digigng it...They're starting to get a little bigger, maybe I will have a monster mixed in there by the end of the neighbors just sold their house, hope the people moving in are cool!

Your plants are looking great meta! Can you foliar feed with any nutrient, or only certain kinds? How's the Dr. Grinspoon doing? That strain looks really interesting, I was too scared to try it my first grow lol. Yea this weather is soaking my plants too, I think they're ok though.
I dunno, I don't think you can foliar feed with anything, but I don't really know...The stuff I'm using is made to foliar feed, got a free sample by emailing them...OpticFoliar...check 'em out, they'll send you samples too if you email them. The Grinspoon is kicking it, it's the plant in the ground with the skinny petals on it's leaves.

They all look awesome Meta! :D
Thanks ABM, hopefully our girls can grow big and strong together...We gotta smoke after harvest for sure, brother!

looking mighty fine, meta. mighty fine. those girls didn't seem to miss you at all! which one is the thin-fingered leaf plant? (dr grinspoon?) . and that big fat leaf at the end is nice. all in all, very healthy looking garden brother. had a blast with you guys at the medcancup, already looking forward to the next one!

p.s. 10 free grapefriuit krush seeds??? that's awesome man, like the cherry on top.
You got it, the thin one is the Dr. G, once again, thanks for the hospitality, bro! We really appreciate it! Now I can't wait to start all these new seeds...Between the Vortex i bough off Subcool, the Grapefruit Krush from Emerald Triangle, and the Sanctuary seeds you hooked it up with...I almost regret taking all those clones to start mothers, but in related news the S.A.G.E.(fat leafed one on the end in my garden) clones have rooted, and the BuKu clone has rooted as well...Just waiting on the Heavy Duty Fruity, Blue Mystic, and White Widow cuttings to root now!!

yea man, they look fantastic!!! they are getting pretty big!!! I liked the aerial view.
Yeah, I was looking out the window, admiring the ladies, and it dawned on camera angles are always fun, still a long ways to go till the stinky fun part begins!!

Wow! Nice update, those are some beautiful ladies you got there, i am jealous!
Thanks dude, apreciate it. No need to be jealous, just figure out a way to make a grow work for your situation and join in, bud!