Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

Yes, the missing finger is on my picking hand (my right pinky), but I have a few other issues as well. My left pinky no longer bends at the middle knuckle, my thumb on my right hand lacks it's full articulation, and my right ring finger no longer opens completely. The thumb is actually the biggest issue in terms of playing guitar, as it prevents me from being able to hold a pick correctly. My angle of attack on the strings is too acute, and it makes me hit the strings with the knife edge of the pick. It prevents me from being able to do artificial harmonics, and makes tremelo picking extremely difficult. I'm also missing half of the metacarpal that the pinky was attached to, so I can only palm mute three strings at a time. Its all fairly new to me. My accident was almost 7 months ago, but my hands function so differently that it is taking quite a bit of getting used to. I can do pretty much everything that I used to do, but guitar and keyboard are difficult. I pretty much have to relearn the mechanics of playing, and break 16 year old habbits (the way I hold the pick, how I do certain chords, etc.). It has been an interesting year.
good looking guitars... i have never been able to build a collection thanks to pawn shops. hand looks pretty brutal, but if you can still roll a joint and wipe your ass at least the basics are covered.
cool metalhead thread on the riu! im in! just saw slayer, exodus and suicidal tendencies recently, pretty killer show. not going to go to far back about some posts that I read but you do know that malevolent creation are working on a new release! and you guys should surely know that chris barnes is an avid activist and fellow smoker,smoked with him back in the cannibal corpse days years ago. smoked with dimebag early pantera days. and with chuck schuldiner of death.anyhow glad I found this thread\m/
really diggin this band... heard them on sirrius satellite radio the other day. it's like puerto rican djent with bongos and clean guitars... sounds so different.
not bad for a 6 string fret-less bass and 8 string fanned-fret guitar.
the engl head with vader cabinet has a really good metal tone... they like that shit in europe. pricey.
I have an eclectic taste in music, but am a big metal head and always have been.

Any Devin Townsend fans here? His music covers a few different genres, but DT is probably one our my too 5 favorite musicians.