metal lyrics


Active Member
i read some lyrics to a rap song. i realized how that metal lyrics are much more elaborate and intellectual than some dumb rapper talking about how cool he is. music is supposed to be meaningful. rap is only good when a person is already in a happy mood. when I'm burdened i listen to metal and i can relate to the lyrics. when I'm finished listening to Metallica - Master Of Puppets I feel happy almost euphoric. metal is better way of beating depression even better than weed.(btw these are all my opinions) rap is just a rhyme without a reason. metal is my first and only choice of music and anyone who dosen't like metal can go fuck off :finger: we don't need you because judging by all the metal heads in the world were doing great without you.


Well-Known Member
I love metal, but why is it that being dirty and nasty and unwashed, seem to go hand and hand in metal? Cant we be violent and evil, while being clean? I dunno, everytime I hear the words "MetalHead" I think of Zakk wylde

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I'm a huge metal fan but metal has it's share of stupid lyrics as well. And rap has it's share of lyrical genius (see Jedi Mind Tricks, Nas, Biggie)