Metale Halide


Well-Known Member
i have a 100w mh bulb. you need the stuff that makes the bulb work witch is a ballaster. hd has them for 30-50$$$


Well-Known Member
ty timmy for answering my do u plug the bulb into the ballast??im confused cause i dont understand where the bulb plugs into


Well-Known Member
ok so let me get this straight i need a ballest , a bulb, and a srry im just havin a hard time understanding this cause right now im using ordinary cfl lights


Well-Known Member
ok so a normal house hold cfl plugs into a 110w light socket. a hm or a hps bulb plugs into a socket but its not the same as a 110 socket its a socket that is made for a hm or a hps. the socket is connected to a ballast because the hm or hps socket needs a regulator "the ballast" then the regulator gets plugged into the 110 outlet. make sense????


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you didn't start out your thread sounding like a thief, more people would be willing to help you. I'm not saying you did or didn't, but if shit is in fact stolen, shame on you... maybe try it out when you are responsible enough to pay for your equipment. If not, I apologize and a ballast is responsible for turning 120v into like a thousand volts that are needed to make the light work. You have to have a ballast to make all hid lights work. bulbs have to match the ballast in order for the chemical reaction inside the arc tube to work. I.E., 250w bulb with a 250w ballast.. high pressure sodium bulbs will not normally work in a metal halide ballast. You have to have conversion bulbs to do that.


Well-Known Member
Jeeze man if you want to grow pot you need to do some research. This guy isn't your mother, find some shit out on your own. The internet is a powerful thing. You don't purchase your items and you make others do the research for you??? Are you going to want someone on this website to water your plants and transplant them too? lol

Tom :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well thank should i go buy a MH ballest to make my baby anything else required..which im sure there is


Well-Known Member
home depo has them for 30-50$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go to the flood light area and you will find flood lights that have 100-150w hm or hps ballaster and hood 30-50$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very easy! :)


Well-Known Member
you guys chill out we all had to start out some where i remember when i was stuffin my pockets with what ever i could find to try to piece what ever i could together to try to grow rocks from the drive way buckets from the next door nabber light sockets from the bathroom fixture. yea it wasnt the right way but it was a start at lease he's trying........


Well-Known Member
Nl i do not condone what you did. We look down on thief's here. Yes we are here to help. but to jump on people cause they don't want to help, cause of a statement YOU made is, extremely ignorant and immature. Not saying you stole them. but SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, and MEAN WHAT YOU SAY.
By the way you MUST be 18 or older to be here. I suggest you speak with a bit more intelligence, or you will be viewed here as a minor.


Well-Known Member
If you would have purchased your materials for your grow instead of stealing them you wouldn't be having so many problems. How about instead of going out robbing places you sit on here and read the GrowFAQ. It would help to answer your questions instead of you sounding like a 12 year old noob

Tom :finger:


Well-Known Member
alright end it with the stealin ok..yea its bad we get the point..and i read about growing fequently..growing is a expierence project you cant read textbook information on it..Most of you clearly have much expierence


Well-Known Member
Your plants will hermie if you grow with stolen gear. Take back those bulbs and say your sorry to whoever you stoled them from.


Well-Known Member
i cant understand these questions.... you found this site some how ...u knew you need that certain bulb ... but cant find out how to make the bulb work...on the internet.... yes problems, you have.
just go here ....


Well-Known Member
yoo some of you are quite annoying with the stealing things..If this wasnt a weed forumn i would think you people are priests.


Well-Known Member
dude if you just start a new thread and list your setup and problems your having remembering that we are stoners and prolly wont remember that your a theif and happilly help you out