Meteor shower tonight....


Well-Known Member
check it out , maybe we will get a better look tonight ,

then what we did back in august.....;-)


Turn off the TV and Look Up

by Mike Krumboltz
2 hours ago
130 Votes
In the pre-dawn hours of April 22 (1:00 - 3:00 am), be sure to look up. If you do, you'll likely be treated to a spectacular celestial show in the form of the Lyrids meteor shower.
Why bother to wake up at an ungodly hour to gaze at the sky? Several reasons. First, the Lyrids shower was, according to Meteor Showers Online, first observed at least 2,600 years ago, making it the oldest of any meteor shower. Secondly, viewers have a small chance "to get a glimpse of some dazzling fireball meteors from a completely different meteor swarm."
Here's a brief breakdown on the shower's history, tips on where to watch, and how in the heck the meteors earned their name...
How to see them
It's slightly more complicated that just craning your neck skyward, but not by much. For maximum viewing, you'll want to find a dark place, away from city lights, and with an open horizon. Lie back and give your eyes several minutes to adjust to the darkness. Then, wait for the show.
How to know if what you just saw was part of the shower or just some jerk with a laser pointer? explains that identifying a Lyrid meteor can be done by following its trail. A Lyrids meteor should have a trail that "points back to near the dazzling blue-white star Vega." You can check out a helpful sky chart here.
Old, but reliable
In China, there are ancient records from 687 B.C. and 15 B.C. of meteors that are "believed to be Lyrids." explains that the Lyrids caused a small panic in Richmond, Virginia, back in 1803. "Numerous townspeople... were roused from their beds by a fire alarm and were able to observe a very rich display between 1 and 3 o'clock." This time, we know they're coming.
How'd they get their name?
National Geographic has a nice write up on the meteors and their history. Vega's constellation, where the meteors appear to emanate from, is known as "Lyra." Hence, the "shooting stars" became known as "Lyrids." Simple enough, right? can you expect to see?
Whenever the Lyrids come around, they put on a slightly different show. As Anthony Cook, an astronomer for the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, told National Geographic, "The only way to know what the Lyrids have in store for you, is to go outside and observe them." As for the fireballs, calls their appearance a "wildcard," but it's definitely in the realm of possibility.


i've never actually been able to see a meteor shower... from what i can gather on this, and from looking at my sky, I should be able to see this one tonight.... Me and the wife are gonna put the kids to bed and roll a joint of this jack herer and go chill outside for awhile.... thanks bro!


New Member
Take a recliner out with you. It makes it so much easier on ur neck....and you can smoke in relative comfort.


Well-Known Member
I'm out of ganja, maybe I'll just consume a bottle of tylenol. I've never seen a meteor shower so I'm pretty excited to see this last one.


Take a recliner out with you. It makes it so much easier on ur neck....and you can smoke in relative comfort.

no shit bro.... i just went out for a few minutes to check out the visibility and was just tellin my wife that we'll put a blanket down on the porch or something, cuz standing there with your neck craned not only hurts like hell quickly, but makes you feel like kind of a dumbass :)


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna smoke a blunt of some sour deisel, I'm gonna chill in my backyard with my 2 huskies and sister,
it helps that I have a trompoline


Well-Known Member
soooooooooooooo ,

i hope that some of yall were able to see it ,

it was alright i guess , i thought that it could have been just a little bit better....:peace:


New Member
:lol: I fell asleep. Not too long after telling GG I was going to make some coffee..... the bed called my name..... cracker.... you want me ... sigh... I'm a bed whore.

Next year!!! Promise!!!


:lol: I fell asleep. Not too long after telling GG I was going to make some coffee..... the bed called my name..... cracker.... you want me ... sigh... I'm a bed whore.

Next year!!! Promise!!!

we made it a step further than you, but i only attribute that to our youth and actually making the coffee :).... we woke up at around 4am out on the walkway and gave up on seeing anything


New Member
Heheh....that's the way it goes with meteor showers. I was visiting a business associate after making a delivery in his area and spent the night after a great dinner. I told them that the leonids shower was that night and he has a nice 2 story house on a big lake. We sat out on the deck smoking Cubans and drinking cognac, and man let me tell you, those were the best I have ever seen. His wife and kids were simply amazed! It was as if someone with huge bottlerockets was shooting them from across the lake. Now it is very quiet out there, and with some of them, we could hear the hissing as they vaporized.... so many.... it was awesome.

I guess that was in the late 90's.... best ever. good cigars too ... :wink: