meth help?

I'm sorry to hear about all this. It's never easy to deal with an addiction, especially when it's a family member. I can attest to ice being really bad in Hawaii- it's been a big problem for awhile, though news coverage has been down recently.

My dad was addicted to ice when I was younger, and there really wasn't anything that my family and I could do to help. Like your half sister he was open to the idea rehab or treatment, but wasn't able to go through with any of it. In the end, as far as I'm aware anyway, he was able to kick his meth habit on his own after awhile, but from what I hear from my sister, it wasn't easy or pretty.

I'm sorry to say this, but from my experience I'm inclined to agree with SeattlePot when he says that the user will just need to hit bottom. It was true in my situation, but take solace in the fact that "rock bottom" will be different for everyone. My dad didn't end up on the streets, but we did loose the house we were living in at the time, and he was really close to loosing his business.

Best of luck to you man.
I had to run a way 7500km from meth and friends.And its work i am 4 years clean and ready to new life...
she has to be the one to say enough you cant force her get her off the islands i use to live there and its amess
what should I do when she gets here?

I know you dont want to hear this but the 1st thing you should do is to lock up your valuables & get cash out of the house,dont let yourself become a victim saying that this person is not like that,or that this person wouldnt do bad things to me because.............

The person you knew is gone & will not be back for quite a while,if she even wants to come back right now.

I tried to help one of my wife's childhood friends that was a bad addict,it lasted a few days till she snapped,stole my wife's purse,credit cards,medicine,cash,took a $600 bottle of cognac that was a gift to me,stole one of our cars & dissapeared until the police found our car,destroyed & stripped of the stereo & tires,then came back tweeked as all hell wanting us to help her again,i gave her what cash i had in my pocket & sent her packin,havent seen her since.

I am not trying to be a dick or hurt your feelings but never underestimate an addicts desire to get high or count on an addicts decision making abilities.
yeah that shit is dad has been doin it for 10 years and the last 2 hes been in jail and now hes in prison for 15-20 years for violating probation when the cops busted him for still young so i really didnt no my dad when he wasnt high...hes still a good guy and everything just made a bad mistake and he told me on the phone that prison is saving his life because he would most likely die within 10 years but now he will be losing those 15-20 but gaining even more for getting locked up.............miss him so much
I have to agree with seamaiden on this one. If you try and help at this point she will only resent you for it.
It is a shame that she has taken a road of such apin and torment.

I have only donew meth once and it was given to me under falso pretenses. My weed dealer tried to get me hooked but it just did nothing for me.
Thank god because I have heard so many horrific stories of people getting addicted the very first time.

How very sad. I wish you the best of luck.

Thast must be very painful to watch someone you love destroy their life in such a way.

Hopefully she will realize it on her own and get the help she desperately needs. :blsmoke::peace:
It sounds like it's got her, bad. I really wish I had some encouraging words for you on that. She will never get help, and any help forced on her is wasted, until SHE gets tired enough of the shit to change it HERSELF. I know you love her dearly, and I am very sorry that you're having to go through this.

My own experience with it was that for me it wasn't hard to get "off" it at all. I could feel it killing my body, it FELT like I was taking poison. So, add that to a non-addictive personality and I just quit (never used that much in the first place). But I've known a LOT of people who got hooked, bad. I won't go into the details of what happened in and with their lives, but will just reiterate my point, which is that it won't change until she makes it change. You can never change anyone except yourself.
another problem were having is the rejhab places have a fucking waiting list
its a mess
now its up to time to bring her back :-|
Well some shit went down with her again and we got her a flight out here.

she should be here at 1:30 texas time :peace:
this is the first time ill be seeing her in 15 years
i was but 3 years old last time I saw her and i barely rember
hopefully she smokes the herb :joint: