Method #2,395 to Immediately Piss Vlad off for the Rest of the Fucking Day


Active Member
Spend as much time looking over the fucking menu board
at McDoanlds as you would picking
out a life insurance policy. Surely your fast food lunch
is a life changing event that
requires some serious consideration. People, it's
fucking McDoanlds and some of us have
things to do. We've all eaten there before
and the menu never changes. They've got Big Macs,
Quarter Pounders, Chicken McNuggets, and french fries.
The one down the road from your work has
Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, Chicken McNuggets,
and french fries. The one on I-77 through Pennsylvania?
It's got Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, Chicken McNuggets,
and french fries. The one that's open 24
that you like to hit after a night of partying with your friends?
It's got Big Macs, Quarter Pounders,
Chicken McNuggets, and french fries. They're all the fucking same. Th
ere are no surprises. In fact,
let's be honest. The Big Mac is really just a Quarter Pounder
with Thousand Island dressing. It's all
the fucking same. You should be able to decide what
you're going to order by the time you parked your fucking car.
In your lifetime you're going to eat over 25,000 lunches.
If you wanted a life altering meal you can
write home to mom about, you should have gone
someplace else. The fact that you went to McDoanlds means
you're in a fucking hurry, as are the rest of us who are
unfortunate enough to be trapped in line behind you.
I don't think years from now you're going to be laying on
your deathbed, wishing one of those lunches had
been a Filet'o'Fish instead of a six piece McNuggets
with honey mustard dipping sauce. Just fucking order
something before I stick this fucking plastic fork into
your juggular and dip my fries in your fucking neck,
you fucking asshole.


New Member
hey, moron. Not everybody eats in macdonalds. For some people its R-A-R-E to go to that place, like me. I wouldn't grace that shit-dealing place with my presence, but when I do and I'm with my kids I'll take as long as I like pouring over the menu.

In fact, now I know it pisses you greasey little dicks off, I'll take even longer.


New Member
I love pissing people off, it's great seeing them get annoyed, makes me feel good. Makes me laugh, sometimes... out loud. I love frustrated people. I've found that when it comes down to it, all they need to calm their frustration is a good kick in the teeth.

Helps them remember their position in life, that there are others with lives too.

I hear someone sighing behind me in a queue, tutting because THEY FEEL i'm taking too long, then I'll take even longer... and i'll let you know i'm doing it deliberately.


Too many brownies
hey, moron. Not everybody eats in macdonalds. For some people its R-A-R-E to go to that place, like me. I wouldn't grace that shit-dealing place with my presence, but when I do and I'm with my kids I'll take as long as I like pouring over the menu.

In fact, now I know it pisses you greasey little dicks off, I'll take even longer.
Agreed, me and my girlfriend hardly go out to eat and eat fast food even when we go I need a little bit of time to go over the menu. I cant stand impatient assholes, I don't get why so many people are in this huge rush all the time anyways. its like when I go to the store someone will usually go with me and they are always impatient and want to hurry up etc. but the truth is theres no reason to rush because all we are gonna do is go home smoke some watch tv and pass out anyways so what the fuck let me shop around and enjoy myself....


Active Member
Yeah I know....doncha hate those fuckers who think they're busier/in more of a hurry than everyone else?

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I'm going to go to McDonalds now and order a 3 piece McNugget, an 1/8th pounder, and a half a small fry. Lets see if that pisses anyone off.
Also, I've always wanted to bring my scale w/ me and order a quarter pounder and weigh it infront of the employees, and then bitch about being skimped .05 g's


New Member
I love pissing people off, it's great seeing them get annoyed, makes me feel good. Makes me laugh, sometimes... out loud. I love frustrated people. I've found that when it comes down to it, all they need to calm their frustration is a good kick in the teeth.

Helps them remember their position in life, that there are others with lives too.

I hear someone sighing behind me in a queue, tutting because THEY FEEL i'm taking too long, then I'll take even longer... and i'll let you know i'm doing it deliberately.
this doesnt sound like the 'peace, love and pot' skunk i know.:-?

ever since he turned...elite.:-|



New Member
probably asks for colored water as well.
Only if the flavour matches the colour.

i don't see what's wrong with coloured foil, just because it's coloured it's still foil... i'm not going to enter anyway, just thought it would help people get more creative.