Method Seven Agent 939 FX Full Spectrum LED Glasses

funny you should say that i also used to work in a steel rolling mill, white hot metal bars all over the shop, guess what, no ir eye protection.
Yes I spent years jackhammering and drilling concrete without masks or filters and everyone was fine lol…. Now they make you wear them because they realize it’s bad for you long term.
You also didn’t used to need hearing protection
Yes I spent years jackhammering and drilling concrete without masks or filters and everyone was fine lol…. Now they make you wear them because they realize it’s bad for you long term.
You also didn’t used to need hearing protection
hey i agree you can never be too carefull, health and safety has come a long way.

but the potential damage done in years of breathing concrete dust is in no way compareable to the damage (or lack of) done from infrared light emited from a growlight to the eyes of a grower.

i dont think i have ever seen a grow light with a true ir diode (850nm+), i seen one listed on alibaba once but i presumed it was just the common mistake of confusing ir with fr.
even if someone did make one(which is very unlikley) and they devoted 100watts of driver budget just to power the ir diodes(which is never going to happen) they would do zero damage to your eyes with or without method sevens.

far red (730nm) diodes are becoming a more popular edition to grow lights but most use very few, even growlights with a good wide spectrum that dont skimp on the far red are still normally a fair bit below the amount present in bright i cant honestley see a problem as far as eye damage is concerened from fr and ir in growlights.

any uvb from any source in your grow and good eye protection should be used, but with uva i would say 99.9% of growlights dont contain enough to cause a problem, again their will be far more uva in normal sunlight but if you do have a light that puts out a fair bit of uva or you have added it via diy then better to be safe than sorry...

im not bashing method seven's i own and use some.
crap in my view sales pitch, like any light dont look at it if you do your a fool..... I wear glasses tried those wrap around things, flip lenses and even my top end fishing glasses - waste of time -- wear a wide bream hat easy fix