
Tripped circuits

Well-Known Member
Ok so I am a seasoned indoors guy. After having to pay electric jumps all year long I was looking to use the sun as my utility this time around. The weather is changing nicely here and I am getting ready to go about this.

But here is my idea, any help is appreciated. So I planned on using Pro-HP mix. The 26 dollar bags, then digging a hole, cutting a hole in the bottom of the bag and dropping it in the hole. Then i would open a small spot on the top of the bag to recieve the transplant.

I just dont know what I would do for nutrients. I dont want to spend to much, as for the nutrients I use indoors is 400$ a run. I want to spend like 20$ per run.

Any experienced growers please chime in with your ways for producing nice buds for cheap, besides the soil.


Active Member
Veg indoors and then move them outside in pots.......

I veg til my plants are about 2 feet tall under 18/6 lighting. I like to LST them so I have about 7 or 8 branches sticking straight up. Once I put them outsdie in about 8 weeks they are ready for harvest. As you can see my grows are pretty short so I don't use a ton of soil or a ton of nutrients. I'm not trying to grow trees. The largest pot I use is 3 gallon. It would kill me to have to trim that much weed all at once from a couple of 8 foot plants. I put 3 plants outside every 30 days so I get a perpetual harvest. 3 plants yield a pound or better. I only use Jacks 20 10 20 fertilizer. About $12 a pint. The only other thing I do that my plants really like is make alfalfa tea. That's the only thing I water them with. Very cheap to make. But it smells like horse shit !!


Well-Known Member
Go to the organics section and look up aact recipes or tea recipes. I make 58 gallon batches for next to nothing.


Well-Known Member
the Promix HP comes very compacted... you will want to dump the bag and break it up because it gets pretty clumpy with how compacted it is.


Well-Known Member
dnt plan on using indoor nutes, not that they dnt do the job, u just use a shit ton. they say a tblsp /gal, i use a tsp. but still 3-5 gal of water for my mature plants ran through nutrients real quick


Active Member
MMM. Cherry PIE! I also vegged in this time round. They are now living outside. The Groundhog had me tricked for a minute tooo though!

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
Break the promix up put it in buckets or holes... u ca also mix it with native soil if your doing holes I ground...organics good and also time released ferts(always use 1/2-2/3 the recommended dose for time released) its good to mix in high N bat guano some kelp and worm castings very basic soil mix with your soil if your going organic


start a compost heap or buy a tumble composter best soil u can get just add perlite cheaper than 400$ i guarantee .ive done a compleate grow with fish emulsion from lowes b4 greenlight i think it was , its cheap, smells like gack, but will do the job .