Methoxetamine (3-MeO-2-Oxo-PCE)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
It's been a while Rollitup! So I wanted to kick it off with something different. A friend of mine managed to score a decent amount of Methoxetamine, and I have had the chance to dabble with it a little bit.. but wanted to have a little discussion with my fellow RIU'ers about dosing. I am trying to see what the optimal dosage is (on average). So if you have had experience with it, please list the approximate dosage, method (Oral, Nasal, Buccal, Sub-lingual, Intramuscular, etc.), effects experienced, and duration.

  • I took 10-15 milligrams (nasally) and noticed some very light floaty effects. Not much body, not much head. It was really on the threshold of being able to feel it at all. The main thing that I noticed on this dosage was anxiolysis, paired with slight sedation. Not euphoric (nor dysphoric), dissociated, or any other prominent effects.
  • I have three friends that have taken 50 milligrams (all nasally), and all were happily buzzed, with some floaty effects, mild sedation, and some disorientation / dissociation. They all reported being "pretty folded". EDIT: I just talked to one of the three for an update and he said that after the initial euphoria wears off, it feels very similar to being drunk.
  • Last night, I saw someone take approximately 40 milligrams (orally). She experienced motor function impairment, slight physical dissociation, heavy sedation, with a headache that came and went, and other feelings of general malaise.
  • At the same location, I saw someone take 40 milligrams (orally) and 100 milligrams (nasally). He reported feeling "very fucked up". He said he felt somewhat drunk, somewhat floaty, and "like jello" (very wavy). He reported light feelings of euphoria, but seemed mostly chill. EDIT: After about an hour or so, he reported feeling drunk.

So if others could add on with their experiences, it would be greatly appreciated!
For me it's just like ketamine, except it lasts a lot longer...and there's minor differences in the trip which It's been too long since I've done any to remember exactly. It's an incredibly similar experience to ketamine for sure. And stronger mg for mg. One of my trip buddies who is a lot smarter than me said "it's like K and a high dose of DXM mixed". i can't confirm that because i'm allergic to DXM.

I normally do around 100mg to start... and keep redosing little bumps whenever I'm feeling like making it more interesting. The effects last 3-4 hours.... can be longer depending how big you dose. when I did 500mg in 2 seperate lines maybe an hour apart, I was messed up for probably 20 hours. It leaves a hangover. I can't go to sleep during the comedown. It probably takes at least 6 hours after the last dose for me to be able to sleep. Always ingested nasally.

The effects might not last as long for others. I've never done less than 80mg.

oh, and wait at least an hour before redosing if you are at all worried. this is because it takes forever to peak, and can come in waves.

I've never had feeling of euphoria like you mention. I don't feel anything other than being a little cold or hot... everything else is in the thought realm. The euphoria might be connected with lower dosing.. not sure.
I had some awhile back, I bought a gram and divided it into 50Mg bumps. Did one, then another after 10 minutes. I was very.. Fucked up. Then I screamed'who's up for seConds?!?!' And then... I was unable to move doing only 200Mg total. All of us were.

I like k better because it always seems to have this psychedelic sparkle to it. Mxe did not. But the times i've done ki had done psychedelics recently so it may have just been my state if mind.

can someone pm me a good vendor for mxe? Mine is on break and I don't feel like getting on SOS and everything.. Will if needed though!
Awesome. This is exactly what I was looking for.

I have looked through Erowid, with both the dosage, and experience reports, but I wanted a first hand account (from my fellow RIU'ers). I would really like to hear some more experiences! I know there are more people out there who have played with this one!
Heres my experience. I had been doing it all day, after that.. M-hole experience. I went over to a buddies house, and coincidentally there were about 8 of my best friends over there, one of them had 3 grams because we bought it on the same day. Twas a pleasant surprise to know that he got his as well. We matched and matched.. And matched.. I saw this kid do upwards to half a gram in a span of 3 hours, and he was COHERENT! It blew my mind. I however was.. Incoherent. I holed out on my buddies couch. I have no idea how much I did, just small 20-50mg bumps. That day I know that I did.. Jeez lets see here.. I gave away 400mg. So to myself, of my shit, I did 600mg. Then between the matching probably like a gram.

Anyways, it was really odd. Time was going the slowest that I have ever seen. I ended up going home at 11PM because it felt like, days. Minimum. Then my friends girlfriend was
I ordered a gram one time back when I still had a source. (wish I still did...) Anyway, a couple friends came over and one brought an mg scale so we could scale out doses. We were all doing 50mg bumps, I got up to 150mg and all feeling in my body just went away, amazing anesthetic. We were all plying Mario on the N-64 and the game was in literal slow motion. I remember thinking it had been at least 45 mins and I needed another bump, I'd look at my watch it would have been at most 5 minutes. We all also had some pretty good euphoria, shit was REALLY amazing looking, really hard to move, minor CEVs, and terrible time perception.

you touched on another subject that I meant to ask:

Erowid mentioned many people experiencing a compulsion to redose. How prominent (if at all) did you find these effects?
Lol I didn't even finish typing? What the hell? I was drinking that night sorry.

Anyways my friends girlfriend was drinking this wine that she brought over. And she was on some pain killers or something. And she was absolutely convinced that one of us had spiked her wine. SOMEONE FUCKED MY WINE, WHO FUCKED MY WINE, AHHHHHHH.. It was completely stupid. I didnt spike her wine. I doubt someone else did. Those were our drugs. Now I wish I would have.. Stupid bitch.

Anyways, it felt like I was in a Greek orgy when she was saying that. I don't know why. But you know when you think back about a certain group of friends, or like.. Your parents house.. The culture of it all? Theme kind of thing. And it makes your thoughts about it more.. Intense? Well it felt like this except, Greek orgy. It was really weird. And it was a very powerful feeling.

I remember throught the night looking at the clouds. They were moving so slow. God dude. I cant wait to get some more.
Also, redosing. Yes. You must redose. Haha whenever I did it, I redosed all night long until I passed out.
hola kisiera saber como y donde puedo comprar methoxetamine en españa o alguna pagina web fiable o con cual otro nombre la puedo comprar gracias


you touched on another subject that I meant to ask:

Erowid mentioned many people experiencing a compulsion to redose. How prominent (if at all) did you find these effects?

Extremely prominent for me. I was so in a hurry to re-dose a few times that I just dumped powder out of the bag and snorted it, I didn't weigh it. retarded I know.

If anyone has ever binged on xanax you'll know what I mean, it's kind of like that. You take a bunch, you get high, your brain tells you you're not high and you need more, go and get more without realizing it or thinking about it, wake up the next day, all the xanax is gone.

It kind of reminded me of that, not really in that amount though.
Also, redosing. Yes. You must redose. Haha whenever I did it, I redosed all night long until I passed out.

Agreed, read my last post and I def agree. It's one of those drugs you can't do when you have shit to do later because once you start, you aren't gonna stop until you pass out or run out of MXE.

I also describe it as weird, but an awesome weird. Looking at the sky, especially at night or during sunset is amazing for some reason on MXE, colors seem 50x more intense and deep.
Also, redosing. Yes. You must redose. Haha whenever I did it, I redosed all night long until I passed out.

Extremely prominent for me. I was so in a hurry to re-dose a few times that I just dumped powder out of the bag and snorted it, I didn't weigh it. retarded I know.

Thanks guys. I played around with 4MMC (back when it first hit the market), would you consider the desire to redose on par with that?


I had another friend report trying out some MXE last night @ 100mg (orally). He said it was reminiscent of Nitrous and DMT (minus the hallucination part - I think he was talking about the body effects). He said it was rather floaty, and that there was a slight physical dissociation. He commented a lot on the body buzz, but said it was really hard to put a finger on. He reported it being very interesting, somewhat weird, but fun nonetheless. There was no euphoria reported, but he remarked that there was definitely a sense of wellbeing. His cognitive functioning and motor functions did not decrease noticeably.

  • Thanks guys. I played around with 4MMC (back when it first hit the market), would you consider the desire to redose on par with that?


    I had another friend report trying out some MXE last night @ 100mg (orally). He said it was reminiscent of Nitrous and DMT (minus the hallucination part - I think he was talking about the body effects). He said it was rather floaty, and that there was a slight physical dissociation. He commented a lot on the body buzz, but said it was really hard to put a finger on. He reported it being very interesting, somewhat weird, but fun nonetheless. There was no euphoria reported, but he remarked that there was definitely a sense of wellbeing. His cognitive functioning and motor functions did not decrease noticeably.​

I've never heard of 4MMC, I'll have to do some reading.

I actually did some MXE that a friend of a friend was selling(ten a tenth, bullshit, I know, but I have lost my source. Anyone want to help me? Please PM me a source someone that would be great.) a few nights ago and went to a BBQ/bnfire that my buddy was hosting. I took an immediate interest in this one man. He was a little older than I am, but for some reason I picked him out(maybe because he had an irish accent?) And said 'YOU. YOU seem interesting. Let's talk. Us.' So we did, well. This guy was a liar, a big one, but interesting. He said he was some black ops agent and he was obsessed with killing people. I was open to him, didn't call him out. He was saying he was some okinawan karate master, so I fought him. He beat my ass, I'll admit it. But he was no black ops. And I was really high. One part was cool though MXE makes life really slow motion and sacred for me. Absolutely love the stuff. Any other day I wouldve felt awkward around this guy. But he went to punch my left shoulder and I ducked and hit him with the palm of my hand like a ninja in the chest and knocked him down. It was epic. lol Everything is epic on dissociatives. MXE seems to make me think just.. So philosophically. I absolutely love it. K does the same, of course different. But shits expensive. I would rather do MXE and apparently it is better for your kidneys and liver than ketamine, which.. I'm not too knowledgeable about but it is a super fun drug nonetheless.

Glad you had a good time shep, even though this thread is 7 months old.
Haha really though, can someone please, for the love of God send me a source? I'll marry your first born daughter. And show her a good time :)
Any vendors for mxe stateside? Id appreciate a p.m. if so..I can't find one that looks reliable..ill either order that or wait till the next furthur show and cop some ketamine...