methylone injections

Shooting of any recreational drug is a practice best avoided.

It feels great, but is a slippery slope. Especially with moreish substances like Methylone.
my friend just consumed 6 grams of methylone intravenously in less then 12 hours. methylone is not as dangerous of a substance as most would make you believe.
my friend just consumed 6 grams of methylone intravenously in less then 12 hours. methylone is not as dangerous of a substance as most would make you believe.

First off I'm not buying that.. I might be able to buy that if orally over 12 hours he consumed somewhere near 6g's (which would fall into MDMA's ORAL LD50 range for someone up to 75kg's... they are similar substances, I would imagine the LD50 is in the ballpark).

And if your friend did anywhere near this much methylone.. it shows it is as dangerous as we believe.

How addictive would something have to be that you would shoot up 6,000mg's in 12hrs? Very! So apparently on high dosages methylone is addictive... or your friend is a liar/junkie.
Come on PETER PARKER... drugs are much filthier when taken intravenously... the absorption rate should give that hint away right from the start!
shooting up 4-aco-dmt in my opinion would be much like smoking dmt... a smack in the face which is filled with euphoria for several hrs! avoid the public at all cost... thats if you can actually walk ;)
my friend received an order for 6 grams of methylone. he then started injecting 150mg doses which turned into 300mg doses then higher. tolerance built quick and psychological dependency soon followed. with the ROA he had chosen the delivery of the substance into his blood stream was very quick which made this substance highly addictive. He does not care about your opinions on if he is a lire or a junkie, a junkie is a stigmatism you people have adopted into your perception of people around you and my perception of the world varies dramatically from others. everyone is a junkie on this site in someones eyes.
my friend received an order for 6 grams of methylone. he then started injecting 150mg doses which turned into 300mg doses then higher. tolerance built quick and psychological dependency soon followed. with the ROA he had chosen the delivery of the substance into his blood stream was very quick which made this substance highly addictive.

And how can you say it is not dangerous? Can you tell me about 3,4-methylenedioxymethcathinone testing on either animals or humans? Can you tell me the long term (or even short term) side effects?

It is dangerous enough using something that has not been tested or approved for human consumption, nor the potential side effects, but to use them in that high of a dose intravenously, is simply, fucking retarded.